There comes a point every fall when camp counselors everywhere begin to feel the same sensation. You begin to coast through your days unable to muster the same level of enthusiasm you are so use to living with. A knot begins to form in your stomach as you scroll through album after album on Facebook. As you drown in nostalgia, it dawns on you. You are campsick.
Over the summer, hundreds of campers exhibit the same symptoms of loneliness, anxiety, and longing for the place they feel most loved. Every counselor knows that homesickness is a very real problem many children face. Now the tables have turned, and you are wandering about your college town and feeling the exact same sense of withdrawal. Over the many weeks spent at camp, it has become home. While it’s not where your parents live, or the place you send your mail, it is the place that has raised you. Camp has given you the skills to survive in the real world, and taught you numerous invaluable lessons. Now, reality has struck and you are separated from your tight knit community. You no longer know the name and story of every person you walk past. You no longer get to bathe in the sun with your best friends while being paid to play all day. You miss it. Its simple, and logical, but campsickness feels like so much more.
So for those of you feeling this way, here is my advice to you: Facetime, Skype, call, text, do anything you need to to stay in touch with your camp friends. Go out of your way to become more than just seasonal friends. Skip driving yourself crazy studying for the night, and de-stress by catching up with your favorite people.
The more you integrate camp people into your real life, the more confident you will become. Use these established bonds to soothe your real world blues. Stop boring people who don’t understand with your camp stories and drama. Spend a ridiculous amount of time hashing out the rumors of hook ups, breakups, and make-ups with the people who do understand. When distance becomes too much to stand, make the trip. Drive to camp and spend the day there. Whether it be volunteering, or just visiting full time staff, go back and revel in the place that holds so many memories for you. And when you realize it was the people that made the place to special, go to them.
Most importantly remember to live every day as an example of the love, and joy spread at your camp. It’s difficult to be sullen when you are overflowing with the spirit of camp.