As a college student, I've found myself at a very uncomfortable place in my life — I'm talking more uncomfortable than middle school puberty. Everything is strange. I'm supposed to be responsible and act like an adult, yet it's hard to believe that I am actually considered one. My parents are still connected to my bank account, paying for my insurance and paying my monthly phone bill. Now, I realize not all students are this fortunate, and I have no complaints, but my point is that I'm not actually an adult. I can vote, I can get arrested and I can sign things for myself but that's about it. Yet, I'm not really a teenager because I feel like I have definitely matured enough to not be in the same category as a high school freshman. It's come to my attention that being 18 is the most confusing time for relationships.
My friends and I are always complaining about how boys are so dumb and we hate them because they talk to multiple girls at the same time. Yet, none of us actually want to be tied down. It is crazy. It's like we want a boy to only want us yet we want to still have fun and be able to talk to multiple boys. I've seen this reversed too. Guys will call a girl a slut for hooking up with another guy that isn't him, yet he will be doing the exact same thing to her. Yes, it would be nice to have a boyfriend when I'm bored and wanting to just cuddle and watch movies, but it sounds horrible when it's a Saturday night and I want to go out with my girls and kiss whoever I want.
18 is a year of undecisiveness, none of us really know who we are or what we actually want in life. It's a time of self-discovery, that's for sure. But I think 18 year olds are very misunderstood and adults forget that as they grow older. It's like we are our own category of species. Nobody relates to us or understands why we do the things we do. We can do our homework and remember to brush our teeth but we can't even decide if we want to be in a relationship or not. This article might seem a little scattered but that's because I, myself, am an 18 year old scatter-brained adult-child. I'm too young to have a career but too old to sit at home and do nothing with my life. This is the most crucial time in life to make decisions because what we do now will effect how things are for years to come. Most of us are working towards are goals yet we don't even know exactly what they are yet. I think what I'm trying to say is if you're 18, or going to be 18, hang in there. We are all confused together.