A lot of people ask me why I want to become a journalist or why I picked this field of study in college. I have my share of reasons of why I choose this field and most of these reasons are pretty relatable, and makes you say, "okay, that would be a great reason to get into it." This article explains why exactly I chose the field of journalism. Once I got into watching the news more, I started to learn more about the news works and how much work is put into reporting. The field of journalism always has something new happening, and I feel that journalists must receive such a thrill from covering all the exciting stories. In high school, I was always caught up looking at news websites and researching news anchors bios, and picturing myself at an anchor's desk--being there all night and day if a major news story happened.
When journalists report breaking news stories, they keep you at the edge of your seat. For example, with all of the attacks that are happening across the world, a new development seems to take place every minute. When 9/11 or the Kennedy assassination took place, viewers were so horrified and interested in the events of the day that news ratings went through the roof. Back in 1963, the medium of television was just getting off the ground and other than the newspaper, television was the one outlet Americans had to keep up with the shocking news.
I personally fell in love with the news when there was a major local news story back in 2005. I have a dream of traveling the world and with a journalism job, I can do just that. There are plenty of news shows that take viewers around the world and expose them to the culture that is out there. With news happening more around the world than in America, the chances of me going to cover a story overseas are higher than usual. There are also a lot more world news apps now then there had used to be; therefore, people who are interested in world news can use apps such as RT, or BBC. I personally use RT. While growing up in Philadelphia, I have seen journalists come and go, but nothing compares to the great Ukie Washington, or Rick Williams, who is one of the major reasons that I became so interested in newscasting.
My favorite television news show is the TODAY show, and anchoring for that show is my biggest dream. The paycheck is also hot, I think journalists' salaries are about $500,000 a year, and more, the higher you go. So ask me again why I want to become a journalist, and I will tell you it's not for the money or the fame, but for the passion I have for communicating with people and getting their take on stories that truly matter.