In a world full of sadness, sorrow, and unhappiness, it is so important to do things that make you happy. In the world that we are living in these days, it can be hard to find things that make you happy. Happiness is achieved differently by different people. Here is a list of things that are proven to make even the most solemn person happy.
Find friends that make your heart smile and your stomach hurt from laughing. Find a place that puts your heart at peace, somewhere that every time you go there it just puts you at ease. Find someone to share your heart with. Find something that makes you happy to do. Set goals. Work hard to reach your goals. Surround yourself with people to help you reach your goals. Share your light with others. Enjoy the little things. Cherish the time you have with the people you have. Have fun. Make unbreakable bonds. Let your freak flag fly. Tell those who you love how much they mean to you. Appreciate your time on this earth. Wear what you want and what makes you feel good about yourself. Sing in the car. Express yourself. Be creative. Get dogs/cats/ whatever animal makes your heart smile and makes you feel at ease. Don’t get too old to enjoy life. Make sure you are right with whomever you believe in. Find little ways to make the world a better place. Read poetry. Enjoy the arts. Tell other people when you aren’t OK, because it’s OK to not be OK. Go for runs. BUBBLE BATHS. Netflix. Long showers. Go to crazy, awesome, fun places. Remember that you are only young once. Go to plays. Go to art shows. Appreciate your hometown. Don’t worry what others think. Make time for the important people in life. Chic-Fil-A. Chick flicks. Ice cream. Don’t take anything too seriously. Don’t bottle up what you feel inside, talk to people about how you feel. Try new foods and new experiences.Remember that life is short. Remember what’s important. Pave your own path. Watch your favorite movie over and over again. Listen to the music that makes your heart happy. Dance around in your underwear. Don’t forget to put yourself first.Find what makes you happy, and hold onto it. Life is too short for regret. Do not hold on to sadness, take time for yourself and keep moving forward.
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