50 Words To Describe People That Have Nothing To Do With Appearance | The Odyssey Online
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50 Words To Describe People That Have Nothing To Do With Appearance

It's time to challenge the focus on the superficial and start looking within.

50 Words To Describe People That Have Nothing To Do With Appearance

Far too often, we focus on what can be seen at surface-level. People tend to describe others with words like tall, short, pretty, skinny, thick, blonde, brunette, big, little, and other appearance-focused descriptors.

While using this type of language in conversations has emerged as a commonplace in modern American culture, it confines complex human beings to simple, shallow boxes.

Describing people based on superficial observations leaves no room to focus on strengths, traits, and qualities that make people beautiful, regardless of what can be seen at the surface. Next time you are trying to describe or compliment someone, consider the following words and look within— you'll be surprised how much people appreciate it:

1. Intelligent

2. Hard-working

3. Kind

4. Courageous

5. Bold

6. Lively

7. Vivacious

8. Passionate

9. Creative

10. Friendly

11. Warm

12. Helpful

13. Strong

14. Resilient

15. Well-spoken

16. Ambitious

17. Talented

18. Inspiring

19. Cheerful

20. Dependable

21. Caring

22. Erudite

23. Colorful

24. Focused

25. Admirable

26. Warm

27. Enthusiastic

28. Fearless

29. Impressive

30. Meticulous

31. Selfless

32. Likable

33. Affable

34. Charming

35. Delightful

36. Lovely

37. Exciting

38. Adventurous

39. Fantastic

40. Clever

41. Visionary

42. Sweet

43. Cool

44. Sharp

45. Trustworthy

46. Special

47. Approachable

48. Considerate

49. Pleasant

50. Reliable

This is not an exhaustive list and I know there are many great words out there, but I hope these words makes you think of people in your life who possess these qualities.

There is so much more to people than what can be seen at first sight and the world would be a better place if we broke the habit of describing people based on their physical appearance.

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