We have officially entered the holiday season and whether you have already begun singing Christmas music in your head or you are staunchly opposed to any form of Christmas propaganda until December, you are beginning to drown in the holiday spirit. But hey, you can sink or swim this holiday season. It all depends on your attitude. With Thanksgiving this week, it is ceremoniously a time to be thankful; however, while most people universally acknowledge the general “grateful checklist” aka family, health, friends, food, etc., we sometimes forget that we can also be grateful for the little things which bring us even just a moment of pure joy. So, in spite of all the horrific events unfolding in the media lately, there is still so much to be thankful for, and it is our job to remember these “small happies” during our most difficult struggles.
Here are 50 random, unexpected, but still so positively wonderful things to be thankful for this holiday season.
1. Internet memes
2. Warm towels fresh from the dryer
3. When you ace that test you originally thought you failed
4. The ability to Google any question you have at any time
5. Laughing so hard to the point where you are in physical pain
6. Drunk food
7. Waking up to NO alarm – personally, this might be number one on my “gratitude list” this year
8. The ability to think for yourself
9. That first sip of coffee in the morning
10. That moment of clarity you have following a stressful situation
11. Anyone who has ever made you feel confident, empowered or validated
12. Those nights spent dancing until 2 AM
13. Cookies fresh from the oven
14. Finally letting go of a painful memory
15. Those REALLY nice servers- Waiters/waitresses, baristas, security guards or just whoever. Strangers who are friendly and helpful are always people to be grateful for.
16. Naps
17. Books. Books. Books.
18. That moment when you take your last final – Truly the definition of “freedom”
19. Free wi-fi
20. MEXICAN FOOD. Hello, Queso and Margs
21. The smell of Anthropologie
23. An empty e-mail inbox
24. Flowers in the spring
25. A fully charged phone
26. Anything that gets your heart racing in a good way
27. The perfect weather
28. Shonda Rhimes – What would we do without her genius mind???
29. Trader Joe’s
30. Pets that get scarily excited when you walk through the door
31. Songs that say everything you are thinking/feeling
32. Doing something that is 100% for you
33. Seeing your favorite band live
34. People who text you back :) :) :)
35. When someone remembers small details about your life
36. Genuine conversations
37. The ocean
38. When you buy a new piece of clothing and it feels “so you”
39. Finding the good in someone
40. Take out and Delivery services
41. That one hot bath you could relax in for hours
42. When the trees actually change colors 43. Movie marathons
44. Uber
45. Breakfast for dinner
46. People who have your back no matter what
47. Seeing a new destination for the first time
49. Lazy rainy days
50. Remembering that you can change your life at any moment
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