It all started with the hilarious prank call video, in which a man asked a radio show to repetitively call his wife asking her to purchase the W.W.E. Super Slam wrestling match on Pay-per-view.
This prank video, however, gave rise to what is now known as "the unexpected Cena." These unexpected Cena videos add a compilation of video clips of the pro wrestler, John Cena, at various W.W.E. matches, and the song from the original "John Cena Prank Call" video to a popular scene from a movie, television show, song, video game, YouTube video or Vine. These videos have become the new way to "Rick Roll" someone. Getting "Cena'd," however, is much funnier and much more enjoyable,than getting "Rick Rolled." To show you how hilarious these videos can be, here are 50 of the best unexpected Cena videos:
1. Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire
2. The Shining
3. Pokemon
4. Shrek
5. Star Wars
6. Breaking Bad
7. Scooby-Doo
8. I Still Love You (Viral Youtube Video)
9. Spongebob
10. Breaking Bad
11. 300
12. Spider-Man
13. Toy Story
14. Blues Clues
15. Threw It On The Ground - SNL Digital Short
16. Donald Trump
17. Toy Story
18. Back To The Future
19. Nintendo Gamecube Intro
20. Iron Man
21. Hercules
22. Taylor Swift - Blank Space
23. Step Brothers
24. Spongebob
25. Scooby-Doo (this one isn't even edited)
26. Scarface
27. The Lion King
28. Ray Parker Jr. - Ghostbusters
29. Space Balls
30. Power Rangers
31. Pulp Fiction
32. Spongebob
33. Ghostbusters
34. Disappearing Car ( Viral Youtube Video)
35. Adele - Hello
36. Spartacus
37. Nintendo's Super Mario 64
38. BBC Documentary - Walking With The Beasts
39. Captain Planet
40. Teletubbies
41. The Powerpuff Girls
42. Deez Nuts (Viral Youtube Video)
43. Superman
44. The Dark Knight
45. Jurassic Park
46. Pirates Of The Caribbean
47. Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets
48. Lord Of The Rings
49. James Bond
50. Forrest Gump