It's the biggest day after New Year's, and the biggest day in football history.
If you're anything like me, you're a fan of football. You might not have an all-time favorite football team, but you enjoy a good game every Sunday. But even though you're watching, your mind is in 1,000 different places, and when there's a party going on, you're bound to get distracted.
So here are 50 thoughts you'll probably have during the 50thSuper Bowl:
1. "First thing's first. Where’s the chips and dip?"
2. "Second... where's the alcohol?"
3. "Alright... where should I sit?"
4. "These commercials better be good this year."
5. "Who's playing again?"
6. "The team I was rooting for was out of the playoffs."
7. "Which team should root for? People are already screaming, what did I miss? I wasn't paying attention."
8. "Wait, was that first down or second down?"
9. "When do the cute puppy commercials start?"
10. "I need more chips."
11. "I wonder how half time is going to go?"
12. "Who are the performers again?"
14. "I wonder if they're going to order more pizza."
15. "FLAG!!"
16. "Yay!! More Super bowl commercials!"
17. "Where are the Doritos?"
18. "Oh, shoot! Do I have homework due tomorrow?!"
19. "How many dumb commercials are going to appear tonight?"
20. "These refs need to retire, they're so old."
21. "Uh oh, I've been talking for a good 30 minutes... I probably should go back to watching the game."
22. "Wait, I want Doritos!"
23. "I wonder if the players ever get super hungry during a game."
25. "Wait, whoever wins gets to go to Disney!"
26. "What kind of commercial was that?!"
27. "I really have to pay more attention, why do I keep zoning out?"
28. "Is it half time yet?"
29. "Coldplay? Really? What songs do they even sing?"
30. "So, when's Beyoncé coming out?"
31. "They should let Janet Jackson come back and have a redo."
32. "Isn't Bruno Mars supposed to perform too?"
33. "Oh, wait, I know this song."
34. "Okay, snack time round three or four; I lost count"
35. "God Bless! There's more pizza!"
36. "I'm going to regret consuming all of this in the morning."
37. "But seriously, do I have homework?"
38. "We're winning!"
39. "I have had a lot to drink... oops!
40. "Should I eat anything else?"
41. "I think I need a nap."
42. "I could go for more pizza."
43. "Does Beyoncé eat pizza?"
44. "I drank too much."
45. "Five minutes left..."
46. "Close game… Who’s going to win?"
47. "AHHHH, 30 seconds left!"
48. "Great Game!"
49. "Can I take this a piece of pizza home or three?"
50. "I really hope I didn't have homework."