Summer. Ah, that glorious time of year that college attendees anxiously count down for practicaly the moment spring break ended. You tell yourself, this is going to be the summer where you get things done; you even make a Pinterest account! But before you know it, school creeps up and with a week left of summer you realize you've been a slave to your couch and have convinced yourself to conserve water by showering less.
Dirty couch slave no more. Here are 50 things you can do to inspire your adventurous, thrilling, and worth while summer.
- Pretend to be a tourist in the heart of your own city
- Try those recipes you've been drooling over on Facebook
- Road Trip…a lot
- Visit somewhere you haven’t been in your state
- Make a fitness goal
- Read as many books as you can until your mind is expanded
- See those movies that you thought “looked good”
- Meet up with old friends
- Meet up with new friends
- Make it a goal to inspire someone
- Let someone inspire you
- Find and eat at random resturaunts
- Go to a park in your city and just lay on the grass (you'll be thankful you did)
- Spend an entire day dedicated to sleep
- Train for something
- Save up money and travel somewhere, far
- Get a job if you don't have one and SAVE
- Don’t lie in bed binge watching Netflix all day
- But contrarily, spend at least one day binge watching Netflix all day
- Meet someone new and make plans with them
- Get a bike. They are very underrated
- Pull an all nighter
- Find a beach. Go there
- Find your official “summer 2016” anthem
- Get lost somewhere... Just go until it's unfamiliar
- People watch. All day (preferably an airport)
- Go outside every day
- Carve your initials into a tree
- Get up to watch the sunrise (as often as possible)
- Go somewhere to watch the sunset
- Go to a drive in movie theatre
- Learn, learn, learn!
- Buy concert tickets
- Do something that gives you mad adrenaline (skydiving, rollercoasters)
- Do a weird DIY beauty thing from pintrest
- Do a weird DIY thing from pintrest until it looks like the picture
- Lay out at night until you see a shooting star
- Go to the Zoo
- Go zip lining
- Take your mom/dad/sister/relative out
- Email your grandparents…they will love this
- Volunteer
- Write a letter to yourself and open it next summer
- Write something, get it published
- Organize that room, or car, or desk you've been meaning to tackle
- Change a space up - redecorate
- Feed ducks at a park (highly recommended for hours of fun)
- Remeber to say thank you...redundant but so important
- Create a summer goal
- Achieve it