Every year when the month of November hits, we all begin to think and name things we are most thankful for. This thought process starts at the beginning of the holiday season and continues through the next few months leaving everyone feeling grateful and lighthearted. However, once the holiday season is over it seems that we all forget the many things we posted about on Facebook and start a decline from feeling appreciative to ungrateful. There are so many little things to be thankful for that we overlook in our day to day lives. We need to remember to be thankful for every day and think about all the good we have even on the worst of days. I began thinking about my daily life and all the things that there are to be thankful for but that we often forget.
1. A snooze button.
2. Your favorite song.
3. A long hot shower.
4. A heartfelt conversation.
5. A made up bed with fresh clean sheets.
6. Crawling into bed after a long day.
7. Technology.
8. A solid internet connection.
9. A cold glass of ice water on a hot day.
10. Nature’s effortless beauty.
11. A home cooked meal.
12. A soft blanket.
13. The love of a pet.
14. A sincere group of friends.
15. The mistakes you have made and lessons learned from them.
16. Your sense of smell.
17. A contagious laugh.
18. Your strength to overcome any obstacle.
19. Thunderstorms at night.
20. Sunshine.
21. Your sense of touch.
22. Breakfast food with mimosas.
23. Your ability to learn new things.
24. A funny movie.
25. Looking through old photos and reminiscing on the memories.
26. Cheering on your favorite sports team to a victory.
27. The changing of seasons.
28. Your favorite TV show.
29. Color.
30. Sunrises and sunsets.
31. Breathing fresh air.
32. Emotions.
33. Looking up at a star-filled night sky.
34. Toothpaste.
35. Long bubble baths.
36. A big hug.
37. Awe-inspiring moments.
38. Eating your favorite dessert.
39. Reading a good book.
40. A crisp fall evening.
41. Being around loved ones.
42. Your good health.
43. The feeling you get after doing a good deed.
44. Holidays.
45. Opportunity to get an education.
46. Freedom.
47. A place to call home.
48. Your siblings.
49. Yourself.
And last but certainly not least...
50. Everything your parents have done and will continue to do for you.
The list of things to be thankful for can go on forever. In life there are so many things that become overlooked because most people forget that they’re not guaranteed. So remember to be thankful for everything, whether it be the water that comes out of the faucet so you can brush your teeth or the $5 you find in your pocket. Everyone has their struggles, and although life can seem like it won’t give you a break, take a deep breath and think about all there is to be thankful for.