- The sun will come up tomorrow
- The smell of the rain
- Someone loves you
- Clothes fresh out of the dryer
- A good hair day
- The smell of someone baking
- Popping bubble wrap
- Finding matching socks
- Sleeping in fresh sheets
- Disney movies
- Songs from Disney movies
- Watching leaves change color
- Crossing something off a to-do list
- Singing in the shower
- Cutting a fresh piece of paper
- Laughing until you cry
- The smell of coffee
- Making someone smile
- Seeing an elderly couple holing hands
- Receiving a compliment from a stranger
- Pinky promises
- The feeling after doing service
- The sun on your skin
- Wearing your favorite article of clothing
- Finding a really great deal
- Seeing a dog
- That moment when you get a math problem right
- The feeling after you finish a workout
- Working hard on something and seeing that hard work pay off
- Proving someone wrong
- The smell of fresh cut grass
- Witnessing a random act of kindness
- Going to sleep without setting an alarm for the next day
- Chocolate
- Making a wish at 11:11
- Clothes that smell like a bonfire
- The feeling of your teeth after going to the dentist
- Seeing a rainbow
- The smell of roses
- Laying down and looking at the stars
- Dandelions
- Finding cash in your pocket
- Hearing a child laugh
- Breaking something in half perfectly
- The realization that in a certain moment that there is no place you would rather be
- Goodwill Hunting
- Avocado
- Meredith and Christina’s friendship
- Finding something that was once lost
- Smiling is contagious. By smiling, you can make someone else smile too!
Health and WellnessNov 03, 2015
50 Things To Smile About
Don't forget to appreciate the little things.