1. Go through all of the channels on TV
2. Watch everyone's Snapchat stories
3. Check Instagram
4. Check Facebook
5. Turn on Netflix
6. Scroll through Twitter
7. Clean up your room
8. Find something to watch on Netflix
9. Watch 4 episodes of your new show
10. Check Snapchat again
11. Snap all of your friends ridiculous pictures of you
12. Watch 2 more episodes
13. Check Instagram
14. Mini dance party in your room
15. Lay in your bed
16. Go open your fridge and look at all the food that doesn't exist in there
17. Eat Cheetos
18. Find a cool movie to watch
19. Watch 5 minutes of it
20. Go through Twitter again
21. Read every "Why We Broke Up" tweet
22. Do your hair
23. Take a nap
24. Listen to your Spotify playlists
25. Better check Snapchat again
26. Oh, and Instagram
27. Watch another episode of TV show
28. Decide to take a nice selfie for all your social media accounts
29. Find good lighting
30. Take 40 different pictures of yourself
31. Upload said picture to all social medias
32. Watch like notifications
33. Play with your dog
34. Check Instagram again
35. Go outside
36. Fly a kite
37. Come back inside because it's too hot out there
38. Take more pictures of yourself with all the Snapchat filters
39. Watch more Netflix
40. Text all your friends to see if they're bored, too
41. Read a book
42. Organize your room
43. Make some pancakes
44. Eat some pancakes
45. Watch a couple more episodes of your show
46. Make a blanket fort
47. Go through social media again
48. Paint a canvas
49. Check email, too
50. Take another nap: you've had a long day.