2017 is finally here, and by now you probably have a few resolutions you want to implement for the year. But no matter how difficult or easy something seems, life happens and habits die hard. With vague resolutions like “get healthy” or “make a big career step,” it’s hard to figure out where to start and it’s easy to get discouraged very quickly. Because of this, it’s important to make concrete resolutions, and figure out the how and when before you buy that year-long gym membership. So rather than go hard and give up after the first week, make a realistic plan with room for slip-ups while the year is still young. Everyone knows what methods work best for their individual personalties, but here are 50 ideas to get you started on making 2017 a year of progress!
Career and Productivity
1. Spend Less Time On Social Media
2. Use a Planner
3. Procrastinate Less By Creating a Study Schedule
4. Set Goals For the Week
5. Improve (or Maintain) My GPA
6. Go on an Interview
7. Go to a Networking Event
8. Set Up My Linkedin Profile
9. Update My Resume
10. Gain Experience in My Field
11. Eat Nutritiously
12. Eat More Plants
13. Try a New Recipe At Least Once a Month
14. Be More Active
15. Eat less meat/dairy/gluten
16. Walk To the Store
17. Try Healthier Dessert Recipes
18. Pick Foods For What They Have, Not What They Don’t
19. Learn Yoga (etc.) With Friends
20. Host a Dinner Party
21. Be Mindful
22. Take More Pictures
23. Start a Bedtime Routine
24. Meditate
25. Set Aside Time For Relaxation At Least Three Times a Week
26. Look Up While I’m Walking
28. Write Something Positive That Happened Every Day
29. Keep a Journal
30. Prioritize Me
Expand Your Horizons
31. Go to a National Park
32. Go to a Museum
33. Go to a Concert
34. Go to a Club
35. Go to a Historical Site In Your Town
36. Go Hiking
37. Visit Another State
38. Go on a Road Trip
39. Take an Educational Tour and Learn Something New
40. Eat at a New Restaurant
41. Read 12 Books
42. Get a Haircut
43. Have a Spa Day
44. Volunteer and Donate More
45. Be More Social
46. Start a Savings Account
47. Do Something That Scares You
48. Learn How to Sew a Button
49. Recycle and DIY
50. Be More Crafty and Creative