We go to class, complain about it, get bored with daily tasks, we complain about it, get stuck in traffic, we complain about it, get tons of text messages, we complain about it, no text messages, we complain about it. This is just a never ending cycle. We often take things for granted, like the fact we are the few that can afford to go to college, we are blessed with doing such mundane things, and the luxury of having a vehicle and phone.
For a few months now I've been doing something in the white space of my favorite book. Everyday before I get out of bed I write down five things that I am grateful for. This makes me feel good, everyday. This also made me realize the importance of gratitude.
Gratitude is the seed of abundance. You cannot create abundance in your life without having gratitude first.
If you live a full of always wanting more, you will never feel truly fulfilled. The pleasure of what you have can often get lost by wanting more.
By writing down five things every morning, my chances increase that I will live today with some gratitude. More gratitude, less stress, more peace of mind.
1. Your Health.
Even if your health isn't perfect, it could always be worse.
2. Anxiety.
For letting you know when it's time to change things.
3. A daily routine.
Appreciate getting up everyday, remember to think about how luck you are to have all the little things.
4. Fridays.
What else would we look forward to on Mondays?
5. Having time to rest.
Life movies very fast, it's nice to be able to unwind sometimes.
6. Clean water.
Not everyone has it.
7. Your parents.
Because they raised you.
8. Not having to set an alarm.
Nothing better than not having to set an alarm on the weekends.
9. Stillness
Even if you only feel it once in a while.
10. Sunrises and sunsets.
That jaw dropping moment when the sky changes before your eyes. I'm at my happiest when the sky is pink.
11. A good book.
You've got to appreciate those books you can't put down.
12. Music.
Theres something so special about music.
13. Your morning cup of coffee.
Only way to jumpstart your day.
14. Your pets.
Because they put the biggest smile on your face.
15. A big t-shirt.
Crawling in bed with one of these on is a moment of pure joy.
16. Nature.
Spending time outside
17. Time.
Even though it seems like there isn't enough of it.
18. Thunderstorms.
Sometimes you appreciate sitting inside all day binge watching as lighting and thunder strike.19. Old Yearbooks.
Everyone loves getting a good laugh out of that freshman yearbook picture.
20. Cousins.
They aren't only your family, they are your closest of friends.
21. Laughter.
Laughing so hard you cant't stop is one of the best feelings.
22. Concerts.
Tailgates, good music, and good people? Experiences like this are memories made for a lifetime.23. The future.
Theres always something to look forward to.
24. Motivation.
Some people just don't have it. Appreciate yourself and all the little motivational talks you give yourself each day.
25. Ability to try new things.
Always try new things. The possibilities for you to learn and try new things is endless.26. A shower after being outside all day.
And coming out smelling as fresh as a daisy of course.
27. Clean sheets.
Climbing into bed with clean sheets is heaven.
28. Your ex.
Good or bad, lessons are learned.
29. Your roommate.
Not only a roommate, she's a best friend too.
30. Your best friends.
They care about you more than anyone.
31. Memories.
Only you have your memories. Appreciate the past.
32. Twitter.
Where else would we go to see Donald Trump use hashtags?
33. Step parents.
Parenthood requires love, not DNA. Family is family.
34. Aunts and Uncles.
They take care of you. No matter what.
35. Technology.
Instant messaging and high-quality photos, all on something that fits in the palm of your hand.
36. Vacations.
Vacations when you can unwind and visit the place of your dreams.37. Your favorite midnight snack.
No one knows you just ate that whole tub of chocolate ice cream, it's fine.
38. Holidays.
Even as you get older, holidays always make you feel like a kid again.
39. Good morning texts.
Knowing someone is thinking of you as soon as you wake up gives you a warm and happy feeling.
40. 12 AM friendship.
That person who is always there no matter what. Thank you.41. Your favorite show on Netflix.
It's ok, you can binge.
42. Freedom of Religion.
No matter what your religion, it's something that keeps us motivated to do good things.
43. Your favorite place.
There's something special about your secret spot. Don't give it up.
44. A good workout.
Walking out of the gym feeling better than ever about yourself.45. Grandparents.
You're the light of their life. Never take them for granted because you never know when they will be gone.
46. Weekends.
The best two days of the week. Can't hate that.
47. Being single.
Appreciate all of the freedom you have while you're single.
48. Being in a relationship.
Your significant other should always be appreciated.
49. Pain.
With out pain we wouldn't learn from our mistakes. Own who you are and what you've been through.
50. Yourself.
Appreciate who you are, who you were, and who you're becoming.