In a society that runs on social media, women more than ever have access to people continuously judging them. We are always being told, "Be this, do that, don't be this, and don't do that."
Well you know what I think about that? Screw it.
In the famous words of Beyoncé, "I ain't sorry."
Women should be told that they are beautiful and that "no" is always an acceptable answer. So here is a list of 50 random things that I decided women shouldn't be sorry for anymore.
1. Being confident
Wear that dark purple lipstick! Who cares if it's summer??
2. Being fearless
Go skinny dipping at 5 a.m. in your neighborhood pool with your friends!
3. Smiling Often
You're beautiful! Make sure everyone knows it.
4. Not smiling often
No one expects you to be a ray of sunshine all the time, though.
5. Wearing winged eyeliner
Make sure your wing is sharp enough to kill a man or a frat boy. (I hear they're not too hard to take down.)
6. Wearing a crop top
It's black and says "Slay" in gold? Good, rock it in class.
7. Having different colored hair
Yes please! Add some color to this dull-ass society.
8. Wearing all black
Honey, this is my aesthetic so please thrive with me.
9. Looking boys dead in the eye when they stare at you
I see you looking at me and I will continue to stare back until you get nervous and walk away shamefully.
10. Taking full body pictures
You looking hot af today? Take a picture and show the world!
11. Eating an entire pint of Ben & Jerry's in one sitting
I've done this way too many times to count.
12. Wearing spandex to the gym
Yes, I realize how I look, and no, I don't look like this for you.
13. Having short hair
Sometimes you just got to chop those locks off and be free.
14. Sleeping with a stuffed animal
Yes, I know I was wearing stilettos and leather yesterday; your point?
15. Kissing him first
Sometimes boys are blind (very blind) and sometimes you need a really good make out session.
16. Dancing around the living room in your underwear
This is my daily routine so if you're getting shit for this, message me and i'll straighten them out.
17. Watching the same movie three times in a row
Listen, I just really love "Pitch Perfect" and "The Avengers."
18. Rolling the car windows down and rapping to Nicki Minaj
Sometimes a girl's just got to be a badass.
19. Having a nipple piercing
My sophomore year roommate says it doesn't hurt and I trust her.
20. Having two nipple piercings??
I guess you got two titties, might as well pierce them both.
21. Having 20 pillows (or more)
There are seriously never enough pillows on your bed...well, unless there's no room for you.
22. Sleeping with six blankets (or more)
If you're going to have 20 pillows you might as well have six blankets right??
23. Learning as many languages as possible
Then you can tell everyone to go away in like 12 different languages.
24. Saying NO
If you don't want to do something FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, SAY NO.
25. Not giving your number to that guy
You don't need that drunk, gross guy at your door tomorrow night. Trust me honey, he's not that cute when you're sober.
26. Wearing shirts that show cleavage
Add some lipstick and you're going to make everyone drop.
27. Playing with your boobs
They are like stress balls for women, trust me it's great.
28. Playing video games
I'm a video game design major so this is my life.
29. Ending a conversation
If you're not interested in what they are saying, just end it politely and say goodbye.
30. Not laughing at his jokes if they aren't funny
I'm not going to continue this fake smile for the sake of your pride.
31. Telling him what's up
He acting like a little bitch? Let him know.
32. Eating all the cookie dough
My friends know I have an obsession with raw cookie dough.
33. Not wearing a bra
This is the most liberating thing ever, let those puppies free!
34. Showing your nipple outlines through a shirt
People need to chill. Everyone has nipples.
35. Taking up space
Guys have the man spread, do whatever you need to command the area.
36. Being weird and goofy
It's totally OK to laugh at your own jokes and dance in the lobby of your school's buildings.
37. Being classy and exotic
Oh hell yeah! Have a dominating presence and then handle situations with grace.
38. Lifting weights at the gym
Weight training isn't just for guys! Get that toned body you've been dreaming of!
39. Sitting in bed and watching movies all day
On the contrary, sometimes you need a day to do nothing.
40. Making a bomb dinner... just for you
Guests?? No, dinner for one, please!
41. Finding a reason to dress up
Looking hot is always a confidence booster, slay in those heels sugar mama.42. Eating all the cheese and all the bread
Some warm bread with melted butter on it, that shit is good.
43. Letting your leg hair grow
Didn't shave before I went out to a bar and a boy still wanted to talk to me? It's magic.
44. Eating pineapple
Oh yeah, let your man taste some of that fruity goodness.
45. Being intimidating
It's OK if people stare when you walk by, just make sure your crown doesn't fall, darling.
46. Doing things on your own
Eat alone, shop alone, watch a movie alone, all these things are totally acceptable and sometimes even better to do by yourself!47. Being the one to break up a relationship
Who says that women can't be in control of the situation? Boy, bye.
48. Taking a damn nap
If naps didn't exist I'm pretty sure I wouldn't either.49. Picking up new talents
It irks me when people say "Hey, why are you doing that? It's not your thing." Like excuse me do I even know you? Who says that I can't pick up new hobbies and talents??
Very cliché, but probably one of the most important things that everyone needs to be told. There really is nobody just like you, so use your skills and abilities to make this world a better and brighter place.