I am an over emotional person and I know that I'm not alone. Where are my criers at?! I see you. I see you there in the back, with the handkerchief, sobbing. Do people still use handkerchiefs for crying? Or is that just a classic movie thing? I just let my tears absorb into my mascara and run down my face. Anyway, here is a list of things that make me cry because that is super useful for everyone. You're welcome.
1. Corgis
2. Dachshunds
3. Labrador Retrievers
4. Cocker Spaniels
5. English Bulldogs
6. French Bulldogs
7. Golden Retrievers
8. All dogs and puppies...yes, I could have made that point earlier. This is my article, though. Idgaf.
Recommended for you
9. Donald Trump
10. Hillary Clinton
11. Cops the television show has made me cry on more than one occasion.
12. All Disney movies
13. Elephants
14. Wombats
15. Mean people
16. Alcohol
17. Bradgelina breaking up
18. The state of the world
19. Hallmark movies
20. Unlikely animal friends
21. Pandas
22. A good meal after a long day
23. Soldier coming home videos
24. Old couples
25. Old people eating alone
26. Onions
27. Sunsets
28. Sunrises
29. Laughing really hard
30. Remembering that Robin Williams is gone
31. Waking up from an unexpected nap
32. Sad Papaw
33. The versatility of potatoes...so many options
34. Deciding where to eat
35. Someone eating the leftovers that I was looking forward to having
36. Dropping a slice of pizza on the ground
37. Finishing all the seasons of Friends for the 12th time
38. Hunger
39. Something that has slightly inconvenienced me
40. Otters holding hands
41. Group projects
42. When my computer unexpectedly shuts down
43. The fact that dogs die. I DO NOT WANT TO TALK ABOUT IT.
44. Leaving a pet alone
45. When someone's pet does not love me
46. When I even have just a slight cold
47. Unexpected hand holds
48. Hugs
49. Teacup pigs
50. When Donna and Eric broke up on That 70's Show
Cry those crocodile tears, my fellow friends that cry all of time. I am with you, always.