- You got a kick out of telling people in other school districts that the Park is the only place where you can have a class with someone and have to ask what school they go to!
- You had to actually contemplate whether or not you like watching forest fires. Multiple times.
- You kept taking foreign language classes because food days.
- You logged into ePark and checked to see if any interesting people had logged in recently. Maybe you even clicked on their names to see what classes they were in…
- You went to a different homecoming each year just because you could!
- You saw the irony in the No$tudents! Wi-Fi password.
- You knew that there was a 90 percent chance someone in a varsity jacket was in marching band or robotics.
- You bragged about having a coloring club at school. You were not part of said coloring club.
- You listened to 88.1 The Park.
- You knew exactly when it was time to get ready for the MME (it was for your future and prosperity).
- At some point, you had no classes in your home school.
- You learned how to fit backpacks into lockers skinnier than a piece of paper…and then learned how to stop using lockers at all.
- Every time the picture of Aziz Ansari in our yearbook pops up on social media, you proudly tell everyone that was at your school!
- You looked yourself up in the back of the yearbook to see how many pages you appeared on. Bonus points if your listing took up more than one line.
- You contemplated buying yourself a Valentine’s Day carnation so you wouldn’t feel like Gretchen Weiners in a room full of Glenn Cocos.
- You know that the only right answer to “What team?” is “Wildcats!”
- You were definitely not immune to the pull of fresh Otis Spunkmeyer cookies.
- You were confused by the lack of consistency in mascot type across the schools.
- You realized the best insult is “you swim/play football/dance like a rock!”
- You got distracted from your own booth by the breakdancers during Activities Extravaganza.
- All of a sudden, you were competing against your teammates from middle school.
- You won 0 things at the Senior All Night party while some people won lots. Classic.
- You walked through the river that formed between Salem and Plymouth on rainy days.
- You got lost trying to find your bus at the beginning of the school year.
- You took Humanities just to wear a toga to class.
- You participated in all the things on Duchamp day and made sure to be extra healthy around that time so you wouldn’t miss out when it happened. Afterwards, you had an existential crisis and wondered what your purpose in the universe was, anyway.
- You ended up with 20+ shirts from all your classes, clubs, homecomings and sports.
- You ran, made food for or purchased from tons of bake sales.
- You embraced your unpopularness once water wars came around because no one knew who you were.
- You freaked out when someone got asked to Prom in January because it meant the clock was ticking and nobody loves you.
- You cried when you turned in your last APUSH 8x11.
- You finally felt like an upperclassman when you had your tie-dye Chem shirt.
- You wore your nicest outfit for schedule pick up even though the pictures captured none of that and only your awkward smile that looks nothing like how it looked in the mirror that morning.
- You joined NHS because all the cool kids were doing it; you stayed for the blanket making.
- You were super bummed when they stopped giving out the Park shirts with all the smiley faces on the back.
- You got way too intense about water wars — hardcore stalked each person on the opposing team down to their morning routine and entire family’s schedule, stopped coming to the door when the doorbell rang, waiting outside someone’s house for hours in your car — you know the drill.
- You went on to a college in Michigan or a college smaller than PCEP (sometimes even both!)
- You know what “the path” is (super descriptive, I know).
- You knew to never expect a snow day, because a school that requires walking outside should obviously get fewer snow days than schools where everything is indoors!
- You knew the pros and cons of each store that carried letter jackets.
- You were wildly impressed by the quality of the theater performances in the Salem auditorium.
- You’ve seen the water under the bridge overflow.
- You participated in the SJ5K.
- It took you at least half a semester to figure out which direction was faster to walk to your class in Salem.
- You tried to find yourself in the giant PCEP picture.
- You got to take an interesting class that isn’t offered anywhere else.
- You actually got hyped at pep rallies!
- You painted the rock (or wished you had).
- You had a ton of teachers who cared about you more than anything.
- You can’t explain what your high school experience was like to anyone who went somewhere else!
Student LifeJun 27, 2016
50 Things All PCEP Kids Remember
If you went to the Park, you know these are true!