Regardless of how much your mom might get on your nerves, I'm sure you've acquired some personality traits from her, or at least learn some valuable lessons from her. Here are 50 things I got from my mom
1. Perseverance.
2. The value of independence.
3. Follow your passion and see where it takes you.
4. The importance of equality.
5. Embrace criticism.
6. Let your opinion be heard.
7. The importance of a good vocabulary.
8. Stop worrying about what other people think.
9. Value the education you are given.
10. Choose the narrow path less traveled.
11. You won't always get credit for the good things you do - do them anyway.
12. Broaden your horizons and try new things.
13. You might not always be the best, but you should always strive to be.
14. Work for what you want because it nothing worth having is handed to you
15. Showtunes can cure a bad mood.
16. Be kind to the Earth, it's been here for you forever.
17. Listen to your gut.
18. Admit it when you do something wrong, and learn from it.
19. Read as many books as possible.
20. A few close friends are worlds better than dozens of acquaintances.
21. Never wear white to someone else's wedding.
22. It's okay to wear sweatpants, but it's also okay to wear a dress just because you feel like it.
23. Find your own style that makes you feel most confident.
24. Always be positive.
25. If you can't find something, it's probably right in front of your face and you just aren't looking hard enough.
26. Take the time to try and figure things out on your own before you ask for help.
27. Always be flexible.
28. Keep your commitments.
29. Plan ahead, but also don't be afraid to be spontaneous.
30. Take risks.
31. Life is short, travel while you can.
32. Take advantage of your opportunities.
33. Always wear sunscreen.
34. Be responsible...
35. ...but it's okay if you need a little retail therapy once in a while.
36. Have people over just because you can.
37. Help others in any way you can.
38. You are responsible for your own happiness.
39. Working in a group is an acquired skill that you must learn.
40. Don't let anyone tell you you're incapable of doing something.
41. Less is more.
42. Always eat a good lunch.
43. Be self-sufficient to whatever degree you possibly can.
44. Lying doesn't get you anywhere except laying in bed at 1 a.m. feeling guilty about it.
45. Support others in their various endeavors.
46. Don't wear too much perfume, it's overwhelming.
47. Sage the house every once in a while just to get rid of all the negative energy.
48. Bonfires and good food are enough to put anybody in a good mood.
49. Spend time with your family no matter how many backhanded compliments you give to one another.
50. Never settle for less than you know you deserve.