- You know all the lyrics to every song
- You have the track list of all four albums memorized
- You can listen to any song and say “that’s Harry” or “here comes Liam’s part”
- Pre-ordering each album is a must
- You stay up until midnight the day it comes out to hear all the songs
- Then you listen to the new album on repeat 24/7
- Lyrics to the new album are memorized in five days
- You have a favorite member who you love dearly
- "Best Song Ever" music video = pure gold
- You follow all the boys on social media
- You like, retweet, favorite, and share everything they post
- You never understood how they had such skinny legs
- You pretty much have to listen to at least three songs when you drive anywhere
- That sense of excitement when one of their songs comes on the radio
- There are posters of them on your wall
- You have always gotten their calendars
- The day you bought tickets to see them in concert was amazing
- You had a year-long countdown to the date
- Then you couldn’t handle life at all once the countdown hit single digits
- The day of the concert was literally the greatest day of your life (8/24/14 in Arlington!)
- When Harry twerked at the MTV awards >>>>>
- You died inside when Zayn left
- No one else understood just how heartbreaking and traumatic that day was
- #RIPhighnote
- Your friends will say that you’re 12 years old for liking them (if you’re older or 21 like me)
- But then you say they’re around your age, so BURN!
- You saw their concert movies
- You own their concert movies on DVD
- You “@” the boys every so often begging them to come back to your city for a concert
- You’re still praying they will come out with a Christmas album someday
- When Liam included Zayn in their Billboard Award speech by saying "our brother Zayn" you wanted to bawl
- When someone asks for a song suggestion for an event you always give them one or five songs
- "What Makes You Beautiful" is a classic and will be the best forever
- You hate how stores will sell stuff with their pictures on it from when they were younger
- You’ve loved every new album with its new music style
- The "Story of my Life" chorus must always be screamed
- You’ve also seen the boy’s style change and loved it
- Harry’s tattoo’s. 'Nough said
- Everyone’s tattoos
- "Little Things" makes you smile because it’s acoustic and you can hear their accents
- Your future children will grow up loving 1D
- Because you of course played the music non-stop for them
- You’ll listen to them forever and ever
- All your friends say you’re obsessed with all of them
- Response is always “it’s just a really deep love, not an obsession”
- You freak out when you meet someone else who loves 1D as much as you do
- When Taylor Swift dumped Harry you took his side
- The fact that Liam always sounds so proper when he speaks makes you smile
- You’ll watch their Youtube videos a million times
- One Direction will forever be the best not only because of their beautiful and amazing music, but because they are fantastic human beings who genuinely care about us, love us, and continue to put smiles on our faces and tears in our eyes from their beauty. (You're forever in our hearts Zayn)
EntertainmentJul 07, 2015
50 Things Every One Direction Fan Understands
Yes, I did listen to 1D as I wrote this.