Snapchat just rolled out with a new update, and if you're anything like me-- you hate it. I cannot stand the new update where all the stories and people you actually snap are merged. I haven't watched a snap story since the new update came out, and it isn't because I don't want to see my friends stuff-- it is because it is literally so hard to navigate. Not one user asked for this heinous update, and honestly, I can think of lots of things that are better than this Snapchat update.
1. Expired yogurt
2. Broken ATMs
3. Not getting your soda at a drink machine
4. Wet clothes
5. Damp seats
6. Warm seats
7. Bugs
8. Mosquitoes
9. Bees
10. Stubbing your pinky toe
11. Broken grocery bags
12. Melted ice cream
13. Burnt cookies
14. Oversleeping
15. Rotten fruit
16. When someone eats your food you had saved
17. Being late
18. Biting your tongue
19. Going to a 7:30 AM class
20. Your computer crashing and not saving your essay
21. Dieting
22. Having cereal, but no milk
23. Holes in your socks
24. Lukewarm coffee
25. No Wi-FI
26. Burnt toast
27. Surgery
28. Going to the doctor
29. Crying babies
30. Your favorite shirt being dirty
31. Stepping in something wet in your socks
32. Flavorless gum
33. Cleaning your bathroom
34. Dropping something down the sink
35. Cold showers
36. Final exams
37. Breaking up with your significant other
38. Getting nothing on Valentine's Day
39. Getting a shot
40. Bad breath
41. Papercuts
42. Running a mile
43. Not getting a package you were expecting
44. A busy interstate
45. An interstate at a standstill
46. Calculus
47. Sleeping in a hot room
48. Not having running water
49. No power
50. A professor that won't let you have your phone out
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