There’s something to be said for the rare moments throughout the day that make you smile. Research shows that expressing gratitude can increase your overall well-being, from better relationships to better sleep. Thanksgiving is a day of reflection for me, and I was thinking about all the things I’m thankful for. So, in no particular order, I’m thankful for...
- Life. How cool is that I'm actually here, in this world, living?
- Friends. There is no way I could survive without them. Love you guys!
- Family. We have our ups and downs, but they really are my foundation.
- Love. It's completely magical and amazing, isn't it?
- Words. They are my life line. I would not be me without them.
- Choice. I love that every day I can choose to be happy. Fabulous!
- Music. It's one of those things I definitely cannot live without.
- Color. As someone who used to be an art major, I'm obsessed with it!
- Magic. Just read a quote saying magic is in everything. So true!
- Art. To quote Ani Difranco, "Art is why I get up in the morning."
- Dogs. They are flat out amazing creatures. Don't try to argue with me on this.
- Health. As someone who has struggled with this, I'm SO happy I'm healthy!
- Seasons. Spring, summer, winter, fall (even though we barely have the last two in Arizona) -- love 'em all!
- Stars. As The Killers sing: "Stars are like rebel diamonds cut out of the sun." How beautiful!
- Acceptance. I'm so very thankful of those who accept me for who I am.
- Rainbows. I've seen so many in my lifetime and they make me extremely happy.
- Blogs. I love writing mine and I love all the blogs I read on a regular basis.
- Laughter. There is little better in the world than the laugh-so-hard-you-cry feeling.
- Holidays. There's something incredibly exciting about them (especially Thanksgiving & Christmas!!!!).
- Sunshine. I see a lot of this because of where I live and I love, love, love when the sun's shining.
- Books. There's never a time when I'm not thankful for the words of another.
- Organization. It might seem boring to some, but I'm really glad I'm organized.
- Generosity. One of those things that's just as great to give as it is to get.
- Encouragement. So many people have supported me in my life and I'm so lucky to have them.
- Accountability. I'm so glad I've finally realized that I'm accountable for myself and my life.
- Smiles. I love giving them and getting them. As Buddy the elf says, "Smiling's my favorite!"
- Change. It scares the shit out of me sometimes, but it can be a wonderful thing.
- Fun. Who doesn't love a little bit (or a lot!) of fun in their lives?
- Housing. This is something I usually take for granted, but I heart my apartment!
- Comfort. Comfort food, comfy sweatpants, a comfortable relationship...comfort rocks!
- Hope. Sometimes it's hard to find, but it's always there, waiting to lift me up.
- Handwriting. It's so cool how we're all so different and this is a great place to see that.
- Patience. I don't have very much of it yet, but I'm getting better at it every day!
- Photographs. There is nothing quite like a brilliant image to capture a moment.
- Wonderlands. I particularly love "Alice in Wonderland," but a winter wonderland is pretty great too.
- Honesty. It really is the best policy.
- Surprises. As long as they're good, I lovvvvvve them.
- Paw prints. I can't help but smile every time I see them.
- Passion. One of the best things: seeing someone passionate about what they do or who they love.
- Dreams. Both the daytime or nighttime variety are pretty cool.
- Films. A movie that leaves you feeling moved -- priceless!
- Positivity. Look for the good in everything and you will find it.
- Knowledge. Gaining and possessing knowledge is one of my favorite things. Ever.
- Quality Time. When you get to spend really quality time with someone, it's sooo fantastic.
- Kindness. Even the smallest act or word can change a day around...
- Sleep. There's nothing like a soft pillow and a warm blanket after a long, hard day.
- Dancing. I can't say I'm very good at it, but I love to do it!
- Safe Landings. Gotta love those after a turbulence-filled flight!
- Food. It's a major part of life, but I often forget to be thankful for it.
- Challenges. They may suck at the time, but they always make me a better person.