In the world we live in today, it can be so easy to complain, to be discontent, to become numb to the life with which we've been blessed. Even as Thanksgiving comes around, our gratitude is cliché and disingenuous.
So this Thanksgiving, I'm chosing to be thankful for the small things. Being in college, this stage of life gets so old, so fast. We're ready to move on, to graduate, to get a full-time job, to get married, to settle down. That might not describe you, but it definitely describes me, which is why thankfulness for me needs to be so intentional.
So here are a list of 50 things I'm thankful for this Thanksgiving.
1. Chai tea
2. Kleenex
3. Computers
4. The colors of the leaves on the trees in October
5. The cold weather
6. The hot weather
7. Music
8. Emotions
9. Good health
10. Baked goods
11. Especially chocolate chip cookies
12. Knowing people personally
13. Laughter
14. Vacuums
15. People with good work ethic
16. Children
17. Babies
18. Young parents
19. Young couples
20. College students (we're crazy)
21. Scarves
22. Road trips
23. Drive-Thrus
24. Glasses or contacts
24. Shoes
25. Libraries
26. The quiet section of the library
27. People who are just known for making people laugh
28. Pancakes
29. Family dinners
30. Meat
31. Spices
33. Frank's Red Hot Sauce
34. Backpacks
35. Naps
36. Movie nights
35. Instant communication
36. Cars
37. Police officers
38. Firemen and women
39. Doctors
40. Professors
41. Statistics
42. Street lights
43 Hugs
44. The collision of cultures
45. Colors
46. Kisses
47. A written language
48. That pictures are worth a thousand words
49. Knowing you are loved
50. The ability to love others
What little things are you thankful for this Thanksgiving?