50 Reasons Not To Vote For Trump | The Odyssey Online
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50 Reasons Not To Vote For Trump

In case you weren't already convinced.

50 Reasons Not To Vote For Trump

Stay outdoors for this because I am about to throw some shade.

In no particular order:

1. Trump is blatantly racist, and he's apparently proud of it.

There are hundreds, probably thousands, of examples of Trump's racist statements. Despite being a public relations nightmare, Trump has not apologized for any of his remarks about Mexicans, Black people or Muslims.

But he has plenty of time to eat "Hispanic" taco bowls at Trump Tower.

2. He has shown pedophiliac tendencies toward his daughter.

(You can see the pain in her eyes.)

In an interview, he once stated that if Ivanka were not his daughter, he would marry her. He often mentions how beautiful she is, which would be normal for a father--Trump's affection for Ivanka is in no way normal.

3. Trump University was proven to be a complete scam.

The bogus school turned out to be just a series of ridiculously expensive conferences held in hotels. Former employees at Trump U have testified against the 'University.'

Read the full story here.

4. Virtually no one in the Republican party wants to be his running mate.

Apart from Chris Christie, several eligible Republican politicians have said that they would refuse the position if Trump offered it to them. Bear in mind that being Trump's vice president would mean being the second-most important person in the US. Being associated with Trump in any way is so unpleasant to these politicians that they would reject the position indefinitely.

Perhaps being associated with Trump as his supporter should be as unattractive to you as his hair is.

5. His most popular policy, the wall along the USA-Mexico border, is basically impossible.

In a viral John Oliver video, he broke down a majority of Trump's descriptions of the wall around the border. Oliver conclusively found that not only is the wall geographically improbable, it would also be ten times more expensive than Trump believes it would be.

Watch the full video here.

6. Despite being a billionaire, he has declared bankruptcy several times.

Some sources say three, others four. There are probably more scandals that haven't been released publicly. According to a CNN article, "no major US company has filed for [bankruptcy] more than Trump's casino empire." But sure, let's listen to him brag some more about how rich and successful he is.

Unless you want America to file for bankruptcy, do not vote for Trump.

7. As a side note: I mean, look at him.

This reason isn't too serious, but have you seen ever him and a troll doll in the same room at the same time? Just saying.

8. His erratic behavior perpetuates the idea that America is an irresponsible nation.

A 5-minute browse through his twitter page is enough to make one stop being proud to be American. Perhaps his real plan is to be so horrific that no one ever wants to move to the USA.

Trump's just lucky that Brand didn't completely destroy him.

9. Aside from his angry tirades, he has hardly discussed any concrete ideas for how to "make America great again."

Think about it--can you name ten specific Trump policies? "Bombing" doesn't count as a military platform.

Bombing is what Trump really would do as president.

10. Countless notable Republicans are vehemently opposed to him.

Members of his own party are against him. And when do republicans ever disagree with one another?

Senator Mark Kirk, former staffer David Ross Meyers, Max Boot (adviser to Marco Rubio), and Senator Ben Sasse are just a few of the plethora of Republicans who would never support a Trump presidency. It turns out I have something in common with the GOP, after all.

11. Most of his "policies" are based on pure hatred.

Trump has made it clear that he hates Muslims, women, Black people--basically anyone who is not White and rich. His ideas such as the Mexico border wall and ban on Muslim immigration are just hate mongering ideas. All he wants to do is turn everyone against minorities so he can take full control by preying on people's fears.

You know, like what Hitler did?

12. During serious political debates, he acts childishly rude without even being prompted to act out.

He is loud, obnoxious and refuses to keep quiet. Sounds like he needs nap-time.

13. In lieu of Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton is a better candidate than Trump.

Despite the e-mail scandal and her constant pandering, I can conclusively believe that Clinton would not destroy America from the ground up. I cannot argue that Trump would not do so. People have described this election to be like choosing between two evils, but when one evil is an occasional liar and the other evil is basically Hitler reincarnated, I'm inclined to choose the former.

It's really the easiest decision ever.

14. Trump is endorsed by the Ku Klux Klan.

David Duke, leader of the KKK, has spoken quite highly of Trump. What a shocker.

When asked about this endorsement, Trump lazily dodged the question. His exact quote was "I just don't know anything about [Duke]." What more does he need to know? David Duke is basically the most evil guy alive (aside from Trump)--does Trump want to chat with Duke over some wine first before he decides he doesn't want to be supported by the KKK?

15. The Republican Party has been looking for ways to nominate a new candidate since he clenched the nomination.

They have been scrambling to find other nominees since Jeb Bush dropped out of the race, and unfortunately, it is too late.

But it is not to late to deny Trump your vote.

16. When women speak out against him, he puts them down with misogynistic insults.

He makes fun of their hair, face, voice, and basically anything that implies that women are nothing but bags of flesh that should look attractive at all times.

17. He vehemently opposes illegal immigration.

Is he aware that white Americans are illegal immigrants? Maybe he means he wants to deport everyone who is not Native American. The United States was built on immigration and thrives off its cultural vastness.

A presidential candidate who cannot realize that does not deserve to be in power.

18. Somehow, he wants to detach America from Mexico, one of its most important partners.

He seems to think that Mexico is exporting criminals to the US, when in reality they are bringing in millions of dollars in jobs, profits, and businesses. Many of his clothing collections are even made in Mexico. How does he plan to sell his ties when that border wall goes up?

19. His popular "Make America Great Again" hats are made in China.

20. Basically any merchandise that he has put out is made everywhere but the USA.

Note this first photo, which is a Trump blazer made in Mexico. Interesting.

This tie, made in China, is visual evidence of Trump's hypocrisy when it comes to sending jobs overseas. For someone who is so against China, you'd think he would have picked a sweatshop in Thailand or something.

If he really wanted to make America great again, he would start by making his garments in American factories. He's declared that he has enough money to do so.

21. Without a doubt, he is a White supremacist.

How much more proof do you need? He was endorsed by the KKK, basically the M16 of White supremacist hate crimes.

22. When speaking highly of himself, he rarely backs up his claims with any factual evidence.

For instance, when he states that he would simply "stop" unemployment or "ban" Muslims, he never finishes a sentence with "and I would do this nearly impossible thing by..." In a mock interview with Jimmy Fallon, Trump answered Fallon's questions with simple responses like "I would just do it." It was a humorous skit, but was not too different from a Q&A at a Trump rally.

23. He implied that female reproductive systems are disgusting.

During a debate which Megyn Kelly moderated, Trump was rude and misogynistic when addressing her. After the debate, Trump was reported to have said that "blood was coming out of her eyes...her wherever." Unsurprisingly, he did not apologize for this insensitive statement.

Please, if you're a woman, do not waste your time voting for Trump. Same goes if you're a man. Or any gender, for that matter.

24. When a Black man showed up at his rally, Trump called him "my African-American."

I don't know what to add to this story--if you do not know on how many levels that statement is wrong, frankly I can't help you.

25. Basically every TV show host has spoken out against him.

...you get the point. Trevor Noah is so done, and you should be too.

26. He encourages his supporters, infamous for their violence, to use physical force against Sanders / Clinton supporters.

During one of his rallies, he told supporters to physically attack anyone who came to protest him. Furthermore, he said he would "like to punch" someone who was heckling him. Trump even tries to argue that he is a peaceful man.

When you think about it, Trump is a bigger liar than Clinton could ever be.

27. If president, he would de-fund Planned Parenthood, which is a vital institution for millions of Americans.

Maybe if he didn't have two failed marriages, he would understand the need to carefully plan out a life with someone.

28. During his campaign, Google searches for how to move to Canada have dramatically risen in the US.

People would rather drop everything and leave the country if Trump were its leader. Wouldn't it just be easier to vote for Clinton this coming November?

29. A bald eagle--the strongest symbol of America--basically almost attacked him.

If that is not a sign, I don't know what is. Also, Trump said he was not scared of the eagle, but as this screenshot proves, he was mortified. As I would be if he were president.

30. He has not felt the need to apologize for any of the heinous things he has ever said.

Trump feels like he is above everyone in that his actions will not have any consequences. His campaign has made racist Americans gain a louder voice, and his offensive opinions have prompted people to judge and fear minorities even more than they already might.

31. The Pope has stated that Trump is not a Christian.

And who would know better than the freakin' Pope? When the head spokesperson of an entire religion is against Trump, how would anyone justify supporting him?

32. If you compare his current opinions to ones he held a few years ago, he has walked back on countless of his ideas.

A few weeks ago, he tweeted this photo of Hillary Clinton:

The photo features a Star of David, which here is used in an incredibly Anti-Semitic manner.

He soon deleted the photo but--you guessed it--never apologized for posting it.

33. He constantly mocks people's looks, and should he really be one to talk?

I bet if Marco Rubio had hats he would have at least made them in America.

34. Trump seems to lack a basic understanding of the American political system.

Just something to consider when choosing a president: ideally, they should know a thing or two about voting, lawmaking, rights, etc...

35. When Ted Cruz was his opponent for the nomination, Trump bashed Cruz' wife, saying that Melania would be a more beautiful first lady.

Because that's what you want in a first lady, right? Just someone pretty.

36. Justin Bieber follows him on Instagram.

Again, not the most serious of reasons... But nevertheless, Bieber has never really been a good judge of character. Think of all the crazy, idiotic things Bieber has done in life. Now think about why someone like him would want Trump as president.

The white privilege apple does not fall far from the tree.

37. Trump wants to ban an entire religion from the United States.

Not just any religion--the most popular religion in the world, Islam. This sentiment is incredibly appalling, and it completely undermines the Muslim lives lost due to ISIS (which Trump believes is an Islamic organization). Furthermore, his actions all too closely resemble those of Hitler.

Which brings us to...

38. He's basically a 21st-century Hitler.

Way too many of his actions--including wanting Muslims to wear badges that show they're Muslin, asking his followers to raise their hands in support of him, and being prejudiced against everyone but white people--are mirror images of Hitler's reign. Much like the most hated dictator in the world, Trump has chosen to target specific groups and pointed any blame he can at them. For instance,

39. It seems like his ultimate goal is to make everything, even the deaths of LGBT+ people, about himself.

When the horrible events at Pulse Nightclub in Orlando occurred, Trump tweeted this:

40. On several occasions, he made racist and Islamophobic critiques of President Barack Obama.

Republicans likely agreed with him on a lot of his arguments, but I doubt they're happy now that Trump might become Obama's replacement. Trump often retorted that since Obama's middle name is Hussein, the President must be somehow linked to terrorism. He has put Obama down for rightly not using the phrase "radical Islam" in regards to terrorist attacks. No matter the issue, Trump constantly finds a way to destroy the credibility of any person of color.

41. When question about his endorsement by the KKK, Trump never denied his association with the hate crime organization.

The fact that the KKK even supports him is terrifying in itself, but Trump's refusal to distance himself from the Klan is an extreme red flag that he is not fit to be the president. Quite literally, the worst thing he could have done was not deny that he supported or appreciated the KKK. And that was exactly what he did.

42. In layman's terms, Trump is an idiot.

Sometimes people wonder how George W. Bush was elected when he was clearly not very intellectual. Imagine what excuses history books would be forced to provide if Trump became president. He has rarely given any facts during his interviews, debates, tweets, or announcements. All he does is make bold claims without any evidence to support them. Anyone that has ever taken an English class knows that kind of an argument would get you a D at best.

Trump would fail a High School English class. But by all means, support an imbecile.

43. The only reason he is rich is because of his father's wealth--not his own business achievements.

Sure his name is all over New York City, but in reality it is more his father's name than anything. Donald Trump essentially has no claim over achieving wealth because he was already rich to begin with. Had he not gone into real estate, he would still be filthily rich. Trump is basically just a trust fund brat who's run off with daddy's money.

Can anyone's dad spare me a small loan of a million dollars?

44. His speeches have instilled unnecessary hatred and fear into the hearts of millions of Americans.

Donald Trump supporters (I think they should be called The Trumped) have greatly increased since last year, and the kind of audiences he has attracted is quite troublesome. Generally, The Trumped are narrow-minded White Americans with far too much time on their hands.

Their relentless loyalty is scary in that no matter what Trump says or does, they still fully support him. This is how dictatorships start. This is how fascism rises.

45. The US would lose trading partners if Trump were president.

Trump has essentially offended every country outside the US, and I doubt any political leader would want to do business with a country lead by a giant, racist man-baby.

Note how the sign says "sympathizers" instead of supporters. Trump is pathetic and does not deserve support.

46. America would likely be under constant threat of attack under a Trump presidency.

Going back to my previous point, every country would hate us if he were president. Any nation that needed an excuse to bomb the US would immediately have one if Trump became president.

For the sake of our great country, do not vote Trump.

47. Basically every single opinion Trump has is un-American.

He doesn't want new people entering the country, he's against racial and religious diversity, and he wants to literally block America off from another nation. The founding fathers would have rallied against him, and so should we.

48. He would lower taxes on the top 1 percent of Americans.

Not only would this mean giving himself / his family a tax break, it would mean cutting millions of dollars in tax revenue. That's money that could be used for healthcare, medicare, and basically everything else Trump would cut.

His political agenda is to make life even easier for him and America's millionaires.

49. This list took me less than two hours to write.

Over 3,300 words are in this article, and I only had to do a few google searches for my research. I'm just one person. Imagine how many more reasons a person with a college degree or experience in politics could think of.

There are too many repercussions to a Trump presidency. Reaper-cussions, more like.

And, finally:

50. Donald J. Trump would run the United States of America into the f*cking ground.

There are hundreds more reasons why no one should vote for him, but that's up to you to figure out now.

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