With all that is negative in our world today, here are some of the best feelings that most of us get. These things make me happy and hopefully you too. This also shows us that we need to start paying attention to the smallest, simplest things in our lives. Some of the things on this list require not much effort from us yet they make us smile from ear to ear and get the best feeling inside. So with all the worry and negativeness around you, don't forget how many things you can take time and enjoy.
1. Your first bite of chips and salsa at a Mexican restaurant.
2. Highlighting accomplished things off your planner/to do list.
3. When someone plays in your hair.
4. When a cop with his lights on passes you up.
5. Finding money in pockets.
6. When your professor cancels class.
7. Taking off heels after a night out.
8. A clean mouth after the dentist.
9. When it’s cold outside, but the seat warmers are on in the car.
10. Coloring with a new box of crayons.
11. When you wake up in the middle of the night, look at the time and realize you have a lot more time left to sleep.
12. Dipping your spoon into a brand new jar of peanut butter.
13. When someone scratches your back.
14. Napping while it’s raining.
15. Waking up on Christmas morning.
16. Putting on new lipstick.
17. Taking so good of a nap, you wake up with line marks on your face.
18. Laughing until your stomach hurts.
19. Driving with all your windows down on a sunny day.
20. When you peel a sticker off and it comes off clean.
21. Sundays.
22. Getting to play with puppies.
23. Freshly shaved legs.
24. Coming home to a cooked meal.
25. When someone notices your new haircut.
26. The last day of school.
27. Not having to set an alarm before you go to bed.
28. Payday.
29. When the class you’re taking doesn’t require a book.
30. Receiving and giving compliments.
31. Your first snowball of the summer.
32. The smell of sunscreen.
33. Going to confession.
34. Knowing you didn’t just fail that test.
35. Coming home after a long vacation.
36. Buying new school supplies.
37. Your birthday.
38. Taking a bubble bath.
39. Relaxing on the beach.
40. When you wear a new outfit.
41. The first time you drive a new car.
42. Giving someone a gift and actually getting the reaction you were hoping for.
43. Laying in bed to watch Netflix after a long day.
44. Finally getting that package you ordered.
45. Clean sheets.
46. Taking the tissue paper/cardboard out of a brand new pair of tennis shoes.
47. When someone says they’ve been thinking about/praying for you.
48. Getting to the cash register and finding out that something was on sale and you didn’t even know.
49. Having a clean house.
50. Finishing your list of the 50 best feelings.