- Become a better human
- Finish high school
- Finish college
- Get a 4.0 GPA
- Be a nice person
- Or just nicer than you are
- Become more assertive (if you’re too nice)
- Read your bible everyday
- Pray without ceasing
- Work on only spreading positive vibes
- Read a book (just one… then build)
- Find true love
- Or just love
- Or get a significant other
- Or just get another friend
- Be more social
- Be less social
- Run 10 miles a day
- Or 1 mile a day
- Just run to the fridge if you don’t run at all
- Celebrate life
- Drink less alcohol
- Or just don’t drink at all
- Join a new club
- Hug your mama
- Hug your dad
- Hug your sibling
- Hug your entire family
- Use less social media
- Be more confident in who you are
- Believe in God’s greater will
- Do not be afraid to embrace who you are
- Try new things
- Eat healthier
- Stop procrastinating
- Draw out a plan to achieve your dreams
- Go to the doctor if you are sick
- Do not go to the doctor if you are not sick
- Go outside and look at the stars more
- Pet more dogs
- Hike more
- Be punctual
- Learn to play a new game, like chess
- Take more pictures
- Cook more
- Be kind to yourself
- Travel more
- Take up volunteering
- Believe that you can and will achieve your resolution
Student LifeJan 02, 2017
50 New Year's Resolutions
Some Things to Try This New Year... Here's to 2017!