Exams are over, most of us are home with our families ... and don't know what to do with our spare time. For those who are struggling with the abundant free time that you find yourself with (I know I am), here is a list of things you can do (for extra pizazz, choose a number at random for spontaneity):
1. Read a book for fun
2. Clean your room
3. Clean your house for your mom
4. Clean your car
5. Order textbooks for next semester
6. Sell your textbooks from the past semester
7. Organize your clothes
8. Update your LinkedIn profile
9. Pick up a hobby like calligraphy or yoga
10. Balance your budget
11. Scrapbook your memories from the past semester
12. Spend time with your friends from home
13. Organize a family activity
14. Bake
15. Spend time with your grandma
16. Visit new coffee shops or restaurants in your town or neighboring towns
17. Spend time with your dog
18. Watch all five seasons of New Girl on Netflix
19. Do your laundry
20. Bake a fab meal for your fam
21. Volunteer at your local animal hospital
22. Update your resume
22. Spend your ample hours surfing the web
23. And watching YouTube videos
24. Learn how to do bomb makeup via the internet
25. Or a something that you've never done before
26. Go iceskating at your local ice rink
27. Sleep
28. Get in shape
29. Or eat a whole bag of Cheetos in one sitting
30. Visit the places you used to work at in high school for the mems
31. Make your own memes bc you're that funny
32. Start your own YouTube channel
33. Go shopping with the money you don't have
34. Watch old movies
35. Learn about something you've always been interested in
36. Write poetry
37. Thrift
38. DIY things
39. Cuddle with your pets
40. Knit a scarf
42. Or hat
43. Or socks
44. Draw
46. Spend time with the people you love
47. Purge your room (go through it and get rid of things you don't need)
48. Have a movie night with your guys/gals
49. Do something you've never done before
50. Join your local Odyssey community
Hopefully this non-comprehensive list of things to do now that exams are done is helpful to those who just can't watch another episode on Netflix.