When I first came to college, and people told me that Ohio weather was bad, I'm not going to lie, I brushed them off like it was nothing at all. I mean, I'm from Chicago. I can handle three feet of snow, below zero temperatures, and 50 mph winds. No biggie. But boy, was I wrong.
Chicago weather is nothing compared to Ohio. I may be able to handle copious amounts of snow and ice, but I can not handle the sick and twisted games Ohio's weather plays. The five minute blizzard? 50 degrees and then three inches of snow? I can't handle it. All this confusion is giving me hardcore whiplash. I just don't understand. Here are 50 things that make more sense than Ohio's weather:
1. The Meaning of Life
2. The Loch Ness Monster
3. Calculus
4. Taxes
5. Packaging on Kid's Toys
6. Stonehenge
7. Bigfoot
8. Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth's Relationship
9. Time Changes
10. Black Holes
11. Apple Contracts
12. Chinese
13. Whether zebras are black with white stripes or white with black stripes
14. "Pretty Little Liars"
15. The Existence of Mosquitoes
16. The "Damn Daniel" Infatuation
17. Aliens
18. Religion
19. "The Odyssey"
20. Socks and Sandals
21. Pi
22. Evolution
23. Kanye West's Tweets
24. Customer Service Call Centers (Sprint)
25. Shia LaBeouf
26. Caillou's Baldness
27. Coding
28. Chipotle's Addictiveness
29. Parallel Parking
30. Anonymous
32. Understanding an Auctioneer
33. Donald Trump's campaign
34. Leonardo DiCaprio's lack of an Oscar
35. One Direction
36. Why the Kent State University library closes on Friday and Saturday nights
37. Pluto
38. Rocket Science
39. Buying a House
40. Puppy Monkey Baby
41. Double Rainbows
42. The Bermuda Triangle
43. Taking Out a Loan
44. Germs
45. The Kardashians
46. Credit Score
47. Fax Machines
48. The Internet
49. Arranged Marriages
50. Nicolas Cage
Moral of the story: Don't move to Ohio!