Oprah Winfrey once said, "Be thankful for what you have; you'll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don't have, you will never, ever have enough." Often times, people get so caught up in the hustle and bustle of life that they forget to sit down and reflect on all of the good things in life. We are all guilty of it at some point: focusing on our problems and forgetting to look on the bright side of every situation and recognizing the blessings in everyday life. Sometimes life hands us situations that offers perspective on how fortunate life can be. In case you ever find yourself struggling to find the positive in negative situations here are some little blessings in life we forget about each day:
1. Our family
2. Our circle of friends
3. Other people in our lives that care about us
4. Mentors that have helped us in our journey
5. Being in good health
6. Education
7. Being able to read and write
8. Laughter
9. Love
10. Forgiveness
11. The ability of sight
12. Going abroad
13. Listening to music
14. Having a fun night with friends
15. Having quiet, peaceful days with family
16. Having the perfect cup of coffee
17. The feeling you get when you know you made an impact on someone else's life
18. Volunteering
19. Our pets
20. The excitement from our pets every time we walk in the door
21. When an old episode of our favorite TV shows is on
22. Looking at scrapbooks filled with good memories
23. The people in life that made you stronger
24. Our faith
25. The tub of ice cream for those days that are too much
26. Good food
27. Clean water
28. The beach
29. Clothes
30. Self-confidence
31. Technology
32. Our ability to communicate
33. Being able to pursue our passions
34. Funny stories
35. Making people laugh
36. The people in life that have made you stronger
37. A roof over our heads
38. Our jobs
39. Being able to express ourselves
40. Art
41. Learning a new language
42. The lessons we have learned in life
43. Getting tickets to that concert you really wanted to go to
44. Being able to afford concert tickets
45. Tough situations in life that remind you of your strength
46. Gratitude
47. Acceptance
48. Going to your favorite restaurant
49. Kindness
50. Being able to remember your blessings
So if you're ever feeling lost and need to think of some of the good things in your life: make a list. It can be 5 things or 5,000 things you are grateful for everyday. It will make you realize the minute problems of everyday life definitely do not outweigh the good things. There really is too much to be thankful for!