5 YouTube Channels To Brighten Your Day | The Odyssey Online
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5 YouTube Channels To Brighten Your Day

5 YouTube Channels To Brighten Your Day

Sometimes, you just have one of those days when everything seems to go wrong. When you have a pop quiz in your hardest class, when there's no good food left in the cafeteria, or when a friend gets mad at you for no reason, it's easy to want to give up and stay in bed forever.

That's when these wonderful YouTubers come in. I've found that watching YouTube videos that make you feel happy and inspired are one of the best ways to get out of a rainy day gloom. Check out these five YouTube channels the next time you're in a funk.

1. doddleoddle (Dodie Clark).

Dodie Clark is one of the most adorable people on the planet. She's a 20-year-old Londoner who makes her living off of YouTube videos and ukulele gigs. Her videos range from helpful hair how-to's to cheery ukuele covers. Her original songs are poignant and catchy (especially her newest song, "One for the Road"), and she never fails to bring a smile to her viewers' faces. She also has a second channel called "doddlevloggle," which features vlogs of personal stories, fun times with friends, and general thoughts about life.

2. itswaypastmybedtime (Carrie Hope Fletcher).

Also a cheerful, British YouTuber, Carrie Hope Fletcher has one of the most loyal fan bases in the YouTube community (her fans are called "Hopefuls"). Along with playing É

ponine in the West End's production of "Les Miserables," Fletcher, 22, plays the role of big sister to her viewers. She gives advice about friendship, love, and everyday life, plays covers on her ukulele and guitar (as well as some originals), and shares lighthearted videos directed toward her brother (Tom Fletcher of the bands McFly and McBusted) and sister-in-law (YA author Giovanna Fletcher). She's also the author of "All I Know Now," a book of life advice, and is working on her first fiction novel, "On the Other Side."

3. OlanRogers (Olan Rogers).

If you're looking for a laugh, Olan Rogers is your man. His hilarous vlog, "Ghost in the Stalls," about mishaps in a Target bathroom, has over 11 million views on YouTube, and that's just the beginning. Olan, a 28-year-old from Nashville, shares stories about his weird childhood and even weirder adulthood, as well as nerdy videos of his friends and his pets (a cat named Starscream and a dog named Tardis). He just recently opened "The Soda Parlor" in Nashville, an old fashioned soda store that sells his line of apparel. He prides himself in not using his viewers as a means to make money, but rather does what he enjoys regardless of money (as you can see in his "Eat a Slice With Me" documentary).

4. SUPERFRUIT (Scott Hoying and Mitch Grassi).

You might know Scott and Mitch as two-fifths of the pop a cappella group, Pentatonix, but singing isn't their only talent. The 23-year-olds met in middle school theater and now have a mega-popular YouTube channel full of crazy antics, pop covers, and appearances by their hairless cat, Wyatt. They constantly feed off of each other's positive energy and laugh through every one of their videos. Their mashup videos are amazing (they've done Taylor Swift's "1989" album, the "Evolution of Miley Cyrus," and many more), and they've made videos with loads of fabulous guests, including Tyler Oakley, Hannah Hart, and Tori Kelly. No doubt about it, the "SUPERFRUIT" guys will always keep you laughing.

5. SoulPancake (A Creative Agency).

If you're familiar with Kid President, then you've seen one of SoulPancake's many inspiring (and funny) videos. As their website states, "We create stuff that matters. That opens your heart. That makes you think." From social experiments about gratitude and connectivity to people sharing their biggest fears, SoulPancake creates heartfelt videos to get you in the right mood to take on the often dark world in which we live.

The next time you feel a bit down in the dumps, check out these YouTube channels. They're guaranteed to make you laugh, smile, and be the kindest, most optimistic person you can be.

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