The impending doom of the 2016 election is finally at a draw. Whether your vote won or lost, it’s time do some yoga to help you breathe through the hell that will be the next four years in the United States.
1. When you’re waiting in feverish anticipation for confirmation on who the next president of our flailing nation will be, try moving into Bridge Pose, also known as Setu Bandha Sarvangasana.
Bridge is a great pose to relieve stress and anxieties about our next president. To execute this pose correctly, remember to inch your shoulders closer together and stack them under your chest. Breathe through this position for 5 or 6 breaths and then release back to the floor gently.
2. Get patriotic with Eagle Pose or Garudasana. This balancing pose will empower your concentration and leave you feeling ready to handle whatever dismal future America faces with an incapacitated president.
Eagle pose helps in opening up your hips, upper back and shoulders. Keep your toes reaching around your calf. Make sure your knees, elbows and hands aligned straight for maximum benefits.
3. Give Revolved Chair Pose (Parivrtta Utkatasana) a go when you can't exactly decide which candidate really was the lesser evil.
This opposing twist will wrench out all your fears about the future of our nation. Keep in mind that your knees should be pointing forward, not to leaning to a particular side. Remember to breathe through discomfort in the pose and discomfort in your life as well.
4. Legs Up the Wall is a fantastic pose that is easy and restorative. While it may not restore your faith in the American Justice system, it can at least restore blood flow and stiffness in your body.
Lay on your back with your hips up against or close to the wall, body permitting. If you like, use a folded blanket under your hips for added support. In Viparita Karani, you will put your legs against the wall and stay here for as little as 8 breaths to as long as 10 minutes. Lay your arms wide and relax your face muscles as you reap the benefits of this pose.
5. And when you just totally give up, it's time to hit Corpse Pose. Savasana is the yoga pose we've all been looking for. Simply lay down on your mat, close your eyes, empty your mind and.....
5 minutes later you awake from savasana refreshed and with a sense that everything will be ok in the end. Regardless of who gets elected today, in four years we'll be right back here casting our vote for the next crowd of corrupt politicians and sleazy businessmen. So you just be the best person you can be and leave the grime to the dirt bags.
Stay positive during stressful times by using yoga as an anxiety management tool. When your back's against the wall and you don't know what else to do, hop into Down Dog or Eagle Pose and get the peace of mind you deserve. Namaste, friends!