1. Think positively
This resolution is one that is difficult for many of us. A lot of us have mental illnesses, like depression and anxiety, that tends to overshadow the positive things that happen in our lives. Thinking positively can lead to positive results, and we could all use more positivity after 2016.
2. Be kinder to yourself
I am the queen of self-deprecating jokes. Anytime I’m near a trash can, I point at it and say “me” or “same”; it’s a problem. But even though these are just jokes, some days I find myself to believe them. This year, we should be kinder to ourselves. Reward yourself for your successes, and learn from your failures. We are all on this journey together, so give yourself a break.
3. Forgive the ones who hurt you
This year, I’m learning to forgive the ones who hurt me. Some situations are not worth holding a grudge over. I have been holding a grudge for 2 years now, and it is extremely exhausting. Holding these grudges and being stubborn hurts the ones around you, and yourself. Now this is not to say you should forget what people did, but forgiving people is one of the most relieving things you can do. Forgiveness can lead to freedom, and we all deserve to be free this year.
4. Stick together
Befriend more people. Connect with your community. Visit family members you never get to see. 2016 taught me that family is much more than blood, and that you can find family anywhere you go. Connecting with others grounds you and humbles you. It creates empathy and gives you a support system when the world seems to go to shit. So let’s vow to stick together, and to stand by our LGBTQ+ family, our friends of color, our disabled peers, and those who are continuously being marginalized. Unity is what will keep us strong.
5. Spread love
2016 saw a lot of tragedy. From shootings, to celebrities passing away, to the rights of minorities being questioned, now more than ever is it important to love one another. Smile at a stranger, give a dollar to a homeless person, show love wherever you can. In the midst of this scary world and the uncertainty of what’s to come, one of the only things we can hold onto is love. So extend love, embrace it, and never let it go.