In my life, and I am sure many of yours as well, high school and college have been filled with decision-making. Some of the decisions are small and will probably end up being pretty irrelevant, and others could really impact your life. I have suffered so much stress and anxiety, sometimes completely unnecessary amounts, because of certain decisions. People will tell me I’m overthinking, and honestly, I probably am.
Because of all the stress and anxiety from worrying so much, I started to feel so unhealthy. I’m not ashamed of admitting this, because I know many of us experience that feeling. Luckily, I have some advice for you. Advice that I figured out, maybe because I heard it when I was younger or it was something that just made sense in my head one night. I’m not sure, so I don’t want to take the credit for it, but it is very helpful and I would like to share it with you.
Let’s say you’re in a situation where you have to make a decision and it seems like a huge one. You spend a lot of time thinking about it, trying to figure out what to do. You start to feel yourself stressing out, wondering how you will make it out of this moment alive. Well, here’s a new rule to live by. In that moment, ask yourself, “Is this decision I am about to make going to matter to me in 5 years?” More than half the time, the chances are no, it will not. So, if it will not matter to you in 5 years, please don’t let it bother you for more than 5 minutes.
Here’s an example. Let’s say your friends are pressuring you into something. Maybe to go out, maybe to do something big or small you don’t want to, or hang with a certain group you don’t care for much. But you start to feel like if you don’t do what they’re asking you, it’s going to really upset them and make them mad at you for the night. Of course, you don’t want to deal with that, so you suck it up and do something that doesn’t cause you any pleasure or happiness. This is where the 5-year rule comes into place. Ask yourself, “Is this specific situation and the outcome of it going to matter to me in 5 years?” If not, say no to the situation and do what makes you happy. Because I promise you, in 5 years, what’s going to matter is the memories you made doing what made you happy at the time. In 5 years, what’s going to matter is all the A’s you got in your classes because you chose to stay in and study instead of going out each weeknight. In 5 years, what you chose to do will matter more than what you forced yourself to do or how you forced yourself to feel. It’s really the truth.
I hope by now you are feeling some sort of relief. I hope you feel as if I gave you an answer for all those times you felt so discouraged over a decision you had to make. And this decision doesn’t just have to be about something you are going to do, but also how something will make you feel. In any situation where you feel confused, please try applying the 5-year rule. It has helped me live a happier life, and I know it will do the same for you.