The 6 Best And 5 Worst Buildings At Texas State University To Have Class In | The Odyssey Online
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The 6 Best And 5 Worst Buildings At Texas State University To Have Class In

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The 6 Best And 5 Worst Buildings At Texas State University To Have Class In
Texas State Admissions

Texas State is a pretty sizable campus, so there are many buildings that classes can be held in. I'm here to tell you about the best and worst buildings to have class in, based on either experience or word of mouth!

Let's start with the best.

1. Undergraduate Academic Center (UAC)

Classes taught here: Psychology, Sociology, Political Science

It looks like a huge building, and that's because it is. However, you shouldn't have to worry about getting lost trying to find your class, because there are signs literally everywhere. Just look at the upper corners of each hallway or the plaques posted on the walls and they should lead you to the right location. And if for whatever reason you're still a bit lost, there's always staff and faculty walking around since this is also the PACE center, which always seems to be a bit busy, especially in the beginning of the year.

2. Alkek Teaching Theatre

Classes taught here: Various

This is probably the easiest class to get to since everyone knows (or should know) where the library is. It's right smack-dab in the middle of campus! Right across from the library 2nd-floor entrance is the teaching theater. You're bound to have at least one class here during college, and it's not a bad place to be stuck in. Plus, if after this class you find that you need to print something or study, guess what? The library is right across the way to help you.

3. Flowers Hall

Classes taught here: English, Writing

Like the UAC, Flowers is relatively simple to navigate. There's really no hidden hallways; there're just a ground floor and three other stories, with the teaching theater being on the third. For reference, if your classroom has the letter 'G' in it, that usually means it's on the ground floor. Seeing as most freshman will have to take a College Writing class, it is highly likely that the class will be held here.

5. Centennial Hall

Classes taught here: Science, Modern Language, Communication, Various

Centennial is like your traditional school building. Once again, it's very hard to get lost here since almost every hall has a sign. As a freshman, you'll probably have at least one class in the teaching theater here. The only con to that is that the teaching theater seats are so comfortable that you might doze off should you have an 8'o clock there.

6. Old Main

Classes taught here: Mass Communication/Journalism

Okay, so I might be a little biased here. But in all honesty, not only is the building absolutely gorgeous, but its also one of the older buildings, making it less complicated to get around. Probably the only con I can think of is where it's located on the west side of campus, but you could always take the shuttle! And if not, the walk to the building will be the majority of your travel time anyway; finding your classroom is a piece of cake.

The Worst

The thing with having a sizable campus is that many buildings are just so far away, and in addition to that, it can also be quite the hassle to even get out of them! So take this as a warning...I'm not saying that you shouldn't take classes in these buildings, but just be aware of what you're getting yourself into.

1. Jerome & Catherine Supple Science Building

Classes taught here: Biology, Physics, Math

Though this building usually houses only science classes, I happened to have my College Algebra class here. This building isn't too bad in distance if you live on the west side of campus, but for the unlucky ones that live on the east side (take my freshman self at Sterry for example), you have quite the walk to get to don't be late!

2. Evans Liberal Arts Building

Classes taught here: Anthropology, Geography

Evans is pretty easy to's nearly in the middle of campus. The first and second floors are easy enough to navigate. However, it's the third floor that can be a little confusing. There are quite a few hallways, and some are incredibly narrow as well. I have a lab on the third floor of this building this fall...wish me luck in finding which narrow hallway it's in.

3. Jowers Center

Classes taught here: Health & Human Performance

Last year, I had absolutely no idea where this building was. I blamed it on the fact that I was a freshman and that I still wasn't too familiar with all of the buildings. However, come spring finals and I still had no idea where this was...until I found out later when I was stranded by the bus at the Stadium and had to walk back. This building is right by the Coliseum. Getting here if you live at the bottom of the hill (i.e., Sterry, Lantana) isn't too bad, but if you live elsewhere...make sure to hop on a shuttle or else you're in for a long walk.

4. College of Education

Classes taught here: Language, Labs

This building is huge. I mean like seriously huge. Good news is that you'll at least know which floor you're on depending on the first number of the classroom...but it's very easy to get lost here. At some point or another, you'll have to have a class here since the majority of labs are located here, especially for communications and languages.

5. Derrick Hall

Classes taught here: Math, Philosophy, Labs

Ah, Derrick. This is what some like to call the 'Harry Potter' building. Unfortunately, it is not nicknamed such for it's magical wonder ... though maybe in some ways it is. There have been many cases in which one would walk up one flight up stairs, intending to reach the second floor, and suddenly find themselves on the third. And then when you head down another hall and climb down the stairs, you're on the fourth floor. If you have a class here, I'd strongly recommend familiarizing yourself with where that class is. Good news? ITAC is located right by here ... if you can find it. (Insert evil laugh here.)

What are YOUR opinions on the best and worst buildings to have classes in?

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