Vegetarianism: it seems like today, everyone ether loves it or hates it, and nearly everyone has tried it. I decided to become a vegetarian two years ago, and I've never looked back. Although I did it because I love animals, I feel healthier and full of more energy these days. However, going veggie also had some unexpected benefits as well! Here are five weird way being a vegetarian has made my life better
1. Less Mess in the Kitchen
I am not a clean person. If I was on "Hell's Kitchen," Chef Ramsey would definitely be in my face for not cleaning up my station. When I was a meat-eater, I would have to constantly deal with knives contaminated with chicken, pork, or steak juices. Now, aside from the occasional fruit explosion, meal prep is easier than ever!
2. I've Stopped Eating Fast Food
Sure, McDonald's fries are bae, but they're not really worth waiting in a 20 minute long drive thru line for. Since I can't eat most of the items on the menu, I have found myself dropping my fast food habit altogether. This had the unexpected result of saving me both gas and money!
3. I discovered the many wild uses for coconut oil
Sure, everybody knows that coconut oil is great in the kitchen, but did you know it also has a ton of other household uses? Since going vegetarian, I've discovered all its magical benefits, including hair treatments and a killer tanning oil. My roommates have even complained about me smelling like a tropical beach!
4. I've started recycling and composting
Like I said earlier, i originally got into the vegetarian diet because I felt uncomfortable eating other animals. When I got into researching it, I discovered more and more ways that I can help the planet, including more efficient recycling and growing my own herbs. Today, I feel like I'm giving much more back to the Earth!
5. I finally have a cause I can get excited about
Don't get me wrong, there's nothing uninspiring about all the other charities and foundations in the world. But nothing gets me more excited than seeing an animal shelter having an open house or helping out to cook tofu hotdogs for the ASPCA. Of course non-veggies can do that, too, but I really feel connected to vegetarianism by helping out. Plus, meeting other people who share my values has been awesome!