1. Created a Sims family consisting of yourself and your crush.
If you have ever played the Sims, you have done this. I would not believe anyone who says otherwise. Yeah, I can see how this could be seen as slightly creepy but if you don’t tell anyone...2. Built a wall around your Sim character or removed the ladders from the pool for whatever reason.
This is pretty morbid, I’m not going to lie. But it’s another thing that all Sims players seem to have done at least once. You know, just to see what would happen. Spoiler alert: Your Sim will die.3. Evict rich families from their lavish houses only to use the motherlode cheat to move your own Sim family into the house.
Anyone who gets a thrill out of evicting families from their house in real life is pretty crooked. But some of the mansions on the Sims are so nicely built and lavishly furnished… It’s hard not to take advantage of the eviction option!
4. Made your Sim character cheat on their partner to spice up the drama.
Please don’t cheat on your significant other. Ever. Unless it’s on the Sims and you’re looking to add a little more drama to your character’s life.