5 Weird Things About Dating | The Odyssey Online
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5 Weird Things About Dating

The unwritten rules and the baffling things we do.

5 Weird Things About Dating
Hillary Sloan/Area Voices

When it comes to dating, we all do things subconsciously that are relatively abnormal. Whether it be from worrying about what other people will think to the things we say. Some of the things we say can be manipulative to get what we want. When we worry about what other people think, we're essentially holding ourselves back from happiness. All of these things fall under the category of weird. At least in my opinion.

1. Bro Code

I understand the feeling of needing to be loyal to a friend. However, you can't help who you like or who you're interested in. What if you and that person aren't as close as you used to be anymore? Or they did something terrible to the person you like? Why would you try to be a good guy for the wrong person? I don't think it should matter or be relevant. So what if it could cause problems, chances are, that person doesn't care anymore. Exes are exes for a reason, they weren't meant for each other. It's not fair to the person you're interested in to say "sorry, he used to almost date you once". Give that person a chance before you end something before it even begins.

2. Girl Code

So pretty much the same as bro code but with more ferocity. When it comes to girls going after sloppy seconds, there seems to be a lot more savagery. In my personal opinion, if I didn't love that person, I don't care if you date them. Unless, in my experience, you're supposed to be my best friend and you've tried to get with a guy I've had feelings for before. Otherwise, I don't care. You don't get to choose who you like or who you love. Let one another be happy. Do not by any means go behind your friends back, give her and your friendship the respect of having a conversation. Women are crazy and fiercely intuitive, we will know something is up and we will find out.

3. Age

Of course age matters! I'm 26 years old, and I've had 21 year olds hit on me and while it's very sweet, I'm also thinking, "Dude, you could be my little brother." I think there's a line that needs to be drawn. I won't date anyone more than three years younger than me, nor will date anyone over the age of 30. You have to think about the maturity level that comes along with age. A 21 year old is still in that naive and high school mindset, even though they might think they're an adult, there is still so much room for growth. As a girl in her mid twenties, I'm a lot more realistic and unfortunately a lot more cynical. I can see a guy for who he is almost the minute I meet him. Someone younger just might see the cute. It all boils down to whether or not you can handle a significant age difference and all that comes with it.

4. Having Sex First

I'm sorry to say this ladies, but if you want him to respect you at all, don't unbuckle the first time he bats his eyes at you. It will absolutely get you nowhere. I know a lot of girls that jump into bed right away and then wonder why he never calls. There is no consistency or stability in letting someone use you for sex. Whether you want to admit it to not, that's exactly what he's doing. If you are allowing this to happen, you have your own insecurities to work out and to be frank, shouldn't be with anyone. You'll do yourself more damage by doing this and it could effect any relationship that you have in the future. I understand that sex plays a big role in any relationship and I'm obviously all for it, otherwise I wouldn't be a single mother. However, I genuinely enjoy getting to know someone and becoming comfortable with them and leaving a little bit of mystery so that there's something to look forward to, rather then just give it away right off the bat. Where's the excitement if that's the first thing you do?

5. Saying "I Love You"

This goes for both guys and girls. Do not say I love you if you do not mean it. You shouldn't say it until you feel it. Whether you think it's what someone wants to hear, if you think it'll make them stay or worst of all, if you think it will get that person into bed. Some people are in love with the idea of love and so they confuse it for the real thing. Love is great but it is also manipulative. Saying those three words should be meaningful and should not be thrown around.

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