If you're like me, you often procrastinate by going on the Internet and shopping (or in my case, adding hundreds of items to your cart and then never actually buying them). This unfortunate addiction has led to me discovering some pretty wild products that people, primarily on Amazon, have decided to make a profit off of. To be more specific, I have come across a lot of books on Amazon that I sorely need to share with others. The list could go on and on, but here are five of those wacky books.
"Dancing with Jesus"
The back of the book reads, “Are you cursed with two left feet? Are your dance moves unrighteous? Do you refrain from getting down lest others judge you cruelly? Fear not. Salvation is at hand. Singing hymns of praise is standard practice - now it's time to set your feet a-tapping with a collection of original dance moves inspired by Jesus and the likes of Moses and John the Baptist."
If that doesn't convince you to buy this book, I don't know what will. Add this gospel of funk to your cart here.
"How to Talk to Your Cat About Gun Safety"
As the mother of two cats, it hurts my heart every day to hear about the dangers my babies may be in. With this book, I hope that I would be able to help them learn about the precautions they have to take in order to be safe in this world. Here is where you can purchase this book.
"Crap Taxidermy"
I've run into some weird taxidermy animals in my life (it's better if you don't ask). Bless the hearts of the people who did this to these poor animals, though. Most of these are absolutely ridiculous, but it's funny to look at, no matter what. For a laugh or cringe, you can purchase the book here.
"Quackery: A Brief History of the Worst Ways to Cure Everything"
From strychnine to ice-pick lobotomies, this book has all the weirdest and worst ways humans have thought to cure, well, everything. Needless to say, a lot of these “cures" are outlandish and, with today's discoveries and technology, we can't help but roll our eyes at what people used to think would work to cast their worries away. For those who want to point fingers at the people of the past, you can buy the book here.
"The Farting Animals Coloring Book"
This book is rather mild, but what I think is weird is that someone actually sat down and decided to illustrate and publish this book for the rest of us to see and potentially buy. But, this book is the perfect coloring book for long car rides, a relaxing day inside, or procrastinating on homework. To get your creative senses tingling, you can buy the coloring book here.