When you get to college you find that your laptop, during boring lectures, is your best friend. When I was at home and in high school I never really sat on my laptop, it was really only my phone, but now I can't go a day without finding myself online shopping or looking for random things to buy online as I sit in my Sociology lectures. Here's five of the websites I'm always on now that I'm in college:
1. RedBubble.com
Before I came to college I had never even heard of this site and maybe I’m the only one because when I told people I’ve never heard of it they looked at me like I was crazy. RedBubble is a site where you can get phone cases, sweatshirts, tshirts, etc, but most importantly - stickers. Yes, stickers. Meaning big stickers for your laptop. Now that your laptop is your best friend at college it has to look perfect, so everyone uses this site to get discounted stickers from Vineyard Vines to states to movie/tv show quotes to decorate their laptops.
2. Pinterest.com
I find myself on Pinterest so much now that I’m in college. Before I would go on Pinterest to look up ways to decorate my future dorm room or cool recipes to make for the holidays. But now I always find myself sitting on Pinterest in my classes looking up anything from - fun things to do in DC to ice cream sundaes to cute outfits I wish were in my closet. Definitely a perfect pastime for those boring lectures.
3. Romwe.com
I just found out about this website over the summer through Pinterest. It's an online store where you can buy clothes for cheap prices. They have the cutest sweaters, rompers, dresses, jumpsuits, etc. The only thing I will say for this site is it’s a hit or miss. I’ve ordered three things from there and I have yet to be disappointed, but I know someone who ordered from there and the dress she ordered was nothing what she expected. That being said,just make sure you really look at what you’re buying, but I personally have had nothing but good purchases from this site.
4. Amazon.com
Always a favorite even when I wasn’t in college. Amazon has everything, and if you have Amazon Prime - even better. They get you things shipping within days and it’s right at your door (or in my case - the mailroom) ready to be picked up. From food to laptops to pretty much anything. My roommate uses Amazon Pantry a lot and we get food shipped to us all the time.
5. Pandora.com
Pandora is a well-known one, but I never really used it that much until I got to school. Sure I listened to it every once in awhile, but if I was listening to music at home it would be on the radio while I was driving somewhere, or the music I had on my phone. But now that I’m at school it’s easy to put on while I’m studying or while me and my friends are getting ready to go out.