The new school year is upon us, and returning with it is the daunting task of organizing our lives in the hopes of making the best of our time and money. But chances are that our good intentions will only go so far. I mean, keeping up with our studies, social life, and sleep can take a toll on us lowly students. But don't worry. Help is on the way! Here are my top five favorite useful websites that will make your student life a little easier and help you dominate the year:
1. Written? Kitten!
For all of those students out there whose teachers seem to actually enjoy assigning ten page papers on the most boring of subjects, "Written? Kitten!" is here for you. It's an awesome tool that can help you cope your writer's block. For every 100 words you write, you'll be shown adorable pictures of cats. I challenge you to name anything more motivating than cat pictures. It can't be done.
No matter what school you go to, you're sure to be treated to at least a couple of those dreaded 8:00 AM classes. This website uses the science of REM sleep cycles to calculate when you should go to bed if you are looking to wake up at a certain time. It even factors in the average amount of time it takes for a person to fall asleep once he/she actually gets into bed.
3. Cheatography
Whether you lost track of time or simply forgot to study for that really important test you have next class, you'll need a quick review guide. "Cheatography" aggregates cheat sheets from around the web on pretty much any subject you could need. It gives you access to important, condensed information that is super helpful for building study guides.
4. Keep Me Out!
If you struggle to concentrate and find yourself scrolling through Facebook when you're really meant to be studying, this is a great tool for you. After you type in the websites you know you shouldn't be on when you're studying, "Keep Me Out!" will warn you every time you visit one of those sites more than once in a particular time frame. This will help you break those bad habits and avoid procrastination.
5. Google Drive
While the chin of a crying Toby Maguire is hilarious, accidentally deleting an important assignment or project is no laughing matter. Google Drive keeps all of your files synched and updated across all of your different platforms. It allows you to access your documents online from any browser and on mobile apps. Gone are the days of using a flash drive to transfer files from one computer to another.