With the New Year comes new resolutions, ways to grow and even make yourself less annoying to the people around you. One thing you should add to your list of resolutions is being a better employee. You know, being more pleasant to work with and actually making your colleagues want to be around you. We all know that one person in the workplace that no one can stand and everyone is baffled at how they haven't been fired yet -- don't be that guy.
Aside from the obvious traits you should possess that hopefully got you the job, add these qualifications to your mental resume and watch doors open up for you.
Show up on time.
Don't be that guy that waltz's into the office thirty minutes late day after day acting like the world revolves around him. No one likes that guy. Show up at whatever time you're supposed to be there, and then you will earn yourself the right to leave at the time you're supposed to and you'll never have to feel guilt-ed into staying late. Unless you're that unproductive guy who spends all day talking to everyone and not doing any actual work.
Do your work.
If you can't balance a healthy amount of Solitaire or Netflix with getting your work for the day finished, you should probably stop playing Solitaire and watching Netflix. Finishing your work before hitting "next episode" or taking a break to talk to your bestie at the next desk means you don't have to stay late or take anything home. Or worse, hand off your work to someone else who already has enough of their own. If you're feeling really zealous, get ahead on your work!
Take your lunch when you say you're gonna take your damn lunch.
If you say you're an early lunch taker and you know that there are people waiting for you to come back before they can take theirs, TAKE YA LUNCH. If you decide you're going to skip lunch, go at a different time than usual or eat at your desk, let your co-workers know. There's nothing more frustrating than waiting around, starving, on someone who secretly decided they're not leaving the office today and realizing you could have gone already.
Don't be the office gossip.
It's always better to act like you don't know anything than to be the one always in the middle of every rumor. You want your fellow employees to trust you, and gossiping about them will definitely give you frienemies. Not to mention, gossiping about anything related to work or the people in the office can get you into trouble and bring consequences.
Don't be a suck-up.
Nobody likes that guy that tries to brown-nose the boss. Everyone will see right through your act and lose respect for you. If you want a better position or more paid vacation, work for it.
Stop harassing your "friends."
They are not your friend. No more creepy staring, sexual innuendos, or winking from across the office. You might think it's all in good fun, but it's actually really weird.
Be considerate.
If you know a fellow employee is swamped, don't spend 15 minutes in their doorway ranting about your personal life or asking questions that could be answered by someone who isn't super busy. If you've got a phone call, close the door or keep your at a normal tone.
If something in your personal life just ruined your day, try not to ruin everyone else's by slamming things around and acting crazy. If someone needs you to cover them on something and you have the time/skills, help them out.
It's not that hard to not be that guy. Just follow the Golden Rule: treat others as you wish to be treated.
Happy working!