Second semester is underway for many college freshmen and after learning what it's like being a college student just a few months ago, we have somewhat of an idea on how to handle ourselves. However if you're anything like me, you want to find different ways to improve your lifestyle while tackling your second semester. I've been thinking about this lately and realized that for the second semester I have five goals I want to try and accomplish.
1. Stop Procrastinating.
This is just about everyones worst enemy regardless if you're in college. Prime example, I was almost done packing my things to return to campus this past weekend and instead of finishing that task, I decided to bake 40 chocolate chip cookies because why not. However it probably wasn't the best idea because I still had so much to do. So for the semester, I want to try and learn to jump ahead on some of my assignments that way manage the stress of school a little easier.
2. Seek Out Opportunity.
Learn to grow this semester. Take a class that challenges you for the better, join a club or start one on your campus! Be creative and find new ways to grow and don't be afraid to try new things. Sure it's scary but you never know what may come out of doing new things.
3. Take Care Of Yourself.
This is super important. We al strive for perfection in class at the sacrifice of not sleeping or skipping a meal. That isn't okay anymore. Make time to go eat, take a nap, and get the proper amount of sleep. Getting an A isn't worth ending up in health service. Remember to constantly drink water to keep yourself hydrated and to get at least 8 hours of sleep, ALWAYS.
4. Be Organized!
This is something I love doing but eventually end up in a mess again but hey I tried. This semester I want to be organized and stay organized. Use fun colors and labels to make things creative and fun. Target has a great selection of fun and colorful labels to get organized and stay organized.
5. Don't Over Stress.
My final tip for tackling the second semester. It's hard not to get upset and stressed over assignments. Sometimes we just need to step away from all the work and relax. Have fun this semester and use your free time to organize, study, and have a super successful semester!