5 Ways To Save Your Skin From Winter | The Odyssey Online
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5 Ways To Save Your Skin From Winter

Keep Your Skin Looking Happy and Healthy

5 Ways To Save Your Skin From Winter

If you’re anything like me, you struggle with dry or sensitive skin and with the brutally cold winter here it’s not helping one bit. I’ve never been too great at taking care of my skin. I would always throw on a few layers of foundation and hope for the best. But after a while of doing that and often times forgetting to take it off after a long night, I realized that the skin under the layers of makeup wasn’t looking too great.

That was when I turned to a local dermatologist for aid. Right then I was prescribed birth control and a cream that would make all of my troubles go away. However, with the clearing of my acne came another struggle, extremely dry skin. So with that being said, I’ve listed a few tips and products that will help you overcome your dry skin difficulties.

1. Use gentle exfoliators over irritating ones

Some exfoliators can be too rough on your skin due to their coarse texture, including apricot scrubs. Instead, stick to a more soothing exfoliator, like an oatmeal scrub, or a jojoba facial scrub. If you feel like switching things up, try a chemical exfoliator, I highly recommend testing out Glossier’s newest product, Solution, which clears acne, soothes the skin, and even brightens it.

2. Pick a face wash that has your back

When it comes to face washes, always choose something that will be there for you in rough (or dry) times. Personally, I try to stay away from anything that makes my skin feel dry immediately after washing and go towards a product that has some sort of moisturizer built into it. Some products that a great for keeping your skin happy and healthy include CeraVe’s Hydrating Cleanser, Glossier’s Milky Jelly Cleanser, Cetaphil’s Gentle Skin Cleanser and Neutrogena’s Hydro Boost Hydrating Gel.

3. Moisturize like it’s your job

One of the biggest saviors to dry skin, or basically any type of skin, is moisturizer. It should be your best friend. I always try to apply it once in the morning after washing my face, and once at night before I go to bed to keep my skin looking dewy and free of any dry patches. Not moisturizing can lead to acne and of course dry skin. A few moisturizers that should make an appearance in everyone’s homes include CeraVe’s Moisturizing Crème, Clinique’s Moisture Surge Intense, and Cetaphil’s Daily Hydrating Lotion.

4. Get glowing with toner

I never thought of using toner until I saw a cheap bottle of it in my roommate’s bathroom. After using it for almost a week, I saw a difference in my complexion. My personal favorite is witch hazel. The bottle states that it is an “astringent that gently cleanses and conditions skin and also helps soothe and relieve minor skin irritations”. The bottle does not lie. A few types of toners that will save your skin include Thayer’s Rose Petal Which Hazel and Mario Badescu’s Aloe Vera Toner. But if you’re looking for a cheaper option, I recommend Target’s Up and Up Witch Hazel, which only costs $2.49 for a 16oz bottle.

5. Drink water as if you were a plant

You know what they say “a glass of water a day will keep the doctor away”. That’s not exactly true, but it is imperative to everyday lives. Water promotes weight loss, acts as a remedy for headaches, and increases energy; it also improves the skin's complexion. It’s almost as if it could fix everything in your life, but sadly it can’t. Your skin will become super soft, smooth, and replenished from drinking more than one cup of water a day.

With that all being said, treat your skin like you would treat your mom; with love and kindness because if you take care of your skin now, it'll thank you later.

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