We all know the struggle of trying to save money in college. It seems like one minute you have plenty of money and the next it is completely gone and you still have five more days until pay day. From student loans, to paying for food, to medical expenses, the list of necessities goes on and on, but with some of these tips, you can help make living paycheck to paycheck not so horrible.
1. Set A Limit at for Groceries Each Week
Grocery shopping is always a hassle, but even more so when you know you don't have a ton of money. Each week, set a budget for how much you can afford to spend and make sure to stick to it, Go into the store with a list and your recipies written out so you aren't tempted to impulse buy things you do not need. If one week you are really struggling, remember veggie burrito bowls and spaghetti are always cheap and not horrifically unhealthy meals to have on hand.
2. Make Your Coffee At Home
As a barista, I see how much people spend on coffee each week and its horrific. A simple drink can cost you about $4 each time you walk into a coffee shop. Right now, cold brew and french presses are all the rage and you can buy the the kits for around $20 on amazon. Spending $13 for coffee grounds will save you so much money and will help you get through long days without bursting your budget.
No it is not embarrassing. If you don't think something looks up to your standards, then don't buy it. If you need new jeans, you can get almost five pair for the price of one pair at your local mall. no one will know where it came from and you can have a new closet for summer without feeling guilty for only wearing that dress once.
4. Schedule Hangouts That Don't Include Spending Money
We often schedule lunch or coffee dates before we even see how much money id in our bank account, and if drinking is involved say bye bye to your pay check. Instead, try scheduling a walk, a movie night in, or a homemade picnic. You can spend just as much quality time together and not stress about if you have enough to tip the waiter 20%.
5. Put 15% to 20% of Each Paycheck in Savings
This is something I have just started doing. Instead of having my whole paycheck be disposable, I set up 20% of it to go straight into savings so I do not even get tempted to spend it. This way in case of emergency, I know I have enough money to cover it.