These are just five ways to reduce and manage stress in the crazy life that we all live in. Not everything works for everyone, so I suggest trying multiple ways and seeing what fits for you. Everyone is different.
Everyone has heard this one. Exercise is a key component to living a less stressed life. It gets the body going and makes you feel accomplished. It is scientifically proven to make you feel better, healthier, and more energized. Plus, who doesn't love the gym benefits?
Turn In Early
Yes, this may be difficult if you have a lot of work to do. Sleep is NEEDED for your body to function properly. Allowing your body to rest will give you more brain power for the next morning, which could help you with achieving more. Because your body is stressed, sleep may be difficult to come by. Try some meditation techniques or reading a book before bed in order to allow your body to rest. Bonus Tip: Cuddling is a proven stress reliever!
Dance Break (Or Just a Break In General)

No matter what you're doing, set a timer to remind you to take a break. Just a small one. Go for a short walk, have a 15 minute dance party, hold a plank, or read a chapter of a book. Be sure to keep things interesting so your brain doesn't get bored with doing the same task for hours on end. Whatever small activity you find joy in, do it at least once a day.
Eat Right

Living on a budget in high stress situations can make eating enough and the right nutrients a fairly difficult task. However, it can be done and it is very worth it. Try having a plan in your head for free time to eat and what you will be eating. It is has been found that meal prep is a great way to keep organized and eat better without over stressing yourself. The entire preparation process might even be fun.
Stay Away from Social Media

Put your phone down! I cannot stress this enough. Social media is fun and enjoyable in small doses, but if it becomes a major aspect of your day then you could be wasting valuable time scrolling. Not only does it trap you in an Internet trance, but it is also known to affect the mental and social health of many people around the world. Attempt to put your phone down when out with friends or doing work. Avoid it in the hours leading up to bed because it will stress you out more. A social media cleanse is always beneficial.