Here are 5 ways you can be helpful during Coronavirus!
Write Letters!
There are some people who cannot get out right now, like sweet people in nursing homes or hospitals. You might write an encouraging letter to them during this time! I know it will make their days a whole lot brighter knowing someone is thinking of them!
Shop Local!
Local businesses are in more of a need now than ever. It is your time to reach out and show your support for your community!
FaceTime is your friend!
Who haven't you seen recently? No time like the present to give them a call! Even if you called yesterday, don't neglect the time you have to spend quality time with them while you can!
Do the chores!
If you are the older, middle, younger sibling, or only child, pitch in and help your family! This time is not all about you, remember others first!
Share what you have!
If you have extra toilet paper or groceries, reach out to neighbors or on your social media to nearby friends if they need anything during this time!