It's summertime, and I have still been feeling stressed. I still feel like I have been running a million miles an hour. Then it truly hit me: I am not living a peaceful life. But how can we do that in such a fast-paced society?
1. Don't watch the news.
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All watching the news does is cause panic. I choose to stay away from the news, and I am a million times happier. Literally every time I even put the news on for a minute, I am bombarded with a plethora of negativity and terrible events. No thanks!
2. Have fun.
Yes, I said that. Have fun. Learn to take a breath. Go outside. Play. Do things that make you happy.
3. But be responsible at the same time.
As adults, we have to work. It's part of life. We have to be responsible. We have to take care of ourselves. There is a time for fun and a time for work -- don't lean too much to either side or you will have a rough time.
4. Meditate.
My brother says that meditating leads to a relaxed life. When you can get your mind to that state of relaxation, your life will completely change. When you can control the thoughts coming in your mind, you can control and enjoy your life.
5. Stop trying to please everyone else.
This one I really struggle with. I want everyone to be happy. If I can please everyone, maybe my life will be peaceful. False. I can't please everyone. Someone is always going to be mad for some unknown reason at what I decide. Even if my decision only affects me. Someone is always upset. So I and all of you need to decide. What do you want to do for you? What makes you happy? Pleasing everyone else takes all your energy and leaves you feeling empty.
So there you have it. Five tips for how to live a more peaceful and balanced life. Peace, balance, and taking care of yourself is how you live the best life!