The end of the semester is coming up and I know we are all saying FINALLY!!! Sixteen straight weeks of going to class, studying, and doing homework is a lot for anyone; college isn't easy! Everyone (even those that hate know can’t deny it) is excited at the beginning of the semester. The beginning of the new semester represents a fresh start, and who doesn’t love a fresh start?! However, about a month after the semester starts is when everyone starts to get the school blues. Tests will start up again so that means you’re back to cram sessions and all-nighters. It is hard to keep up that new semester attitude after a few months of classes. Come the end of the semester we are all worn out and over it, but there are a few ways to make the end of the semester a little less stressful.
1. Think positive thoughts
I know I know it’s hard, but you can do it! It’s so easy to say forget it and just hope for the best, but just tell yourself once or twice a day "I got this". If you keep positive thoughts and keep a positive attitude on the remaining weeks of the semester you can get through it, and you can get through it without pulling out all of your hair.
2. Stay proactive
By the end of the semester we are all just done and ready to move on, but we need to stay on top of things. By staying on top of the things we need to take care of like final homework assignments, studying for the final, or singing up for the next semester it will only help the remaining weeks breeze on by.
3. Remind yourself of your goals
It is easy to get discouraged and frustrated after 16 weeks of hard work and long days and nights. Remind yourself of why you started in the first place and reflect on how far you have come (even if you just started).Take a few minutes out of your busy life to daydream of the life you will have after you have finished college to help reset your attitude towards the whole school thing.
4. Come up with a little reward system for yourself
Some people might say this is a negative thing because you shouldn’t have to receive a reward every time you do something you are “suppose” to do, but I disagree. College is hard and very time-consuming. Those memes about “me at the beginning of the semester” and “me at the end of the semester” are real!! I truly believe to keep a positive attitude and to keep yourself motivated a little reward at the end is very helpful. There is nothing wrong with treating yourself to a little something after a long 4 months of hard work!
5. Most importantly, SLEEP!
Like I stated earlier college usually means long nights or all-nighters of studying. Sleep is super important to be able to pull off numbers 1-4. Without the appropriate amount of sleep, you will be too tired to focus, you will have a bad attitude, and you simply will not care. If you take my advice and stay proactive there will be no need to stay up all night and studying because you will have had plenty of time to do so earlier. Sleeping is good for your soul and your grades!
Good luck on the rest of your semester and may the odds forever be in your favor!!