1. Don't Look Back
The past is the past for a reason. 2017 is in the rearview mirror now, it's time for us all to start fresh.
2. Have A Fun New Years Eve
Go to a party, get drunk, eat a bunch, dance a lot, spend time with friends and family, then get ready to kiss 2017 goodbye. But remember to know your transportation before you get all wobbly. Be safe out there, it's not only you out and about, there are others to think about as well!
3. Make The People You Want In Your Life Known
Shoot everyone a text, or give them all call if you're not with them and wish them a Happy New Year! Let them know you want them to either stay in your life or be apart of your life in 2018.
4. Take Out The Trash
Get all those toxic people out of your life for this new year. Yeah, the ones you know are bad for you but you still keep them around. Along with all that crap food we know we shouldn't be eating, try something healthy or just different for a change. Get rid of all those bad habits you have, and adopt some habits that are going to prolong your life. For example, instead of being a couch potato, take the dog for a walk, join yoga, focus a little less on others and maybe a little more on yourself. Think about mindfulness, embrace your mind, body, and spirit, and strengthen them.
5. Take The Fear Out Of Your Life
Don't be afraid to try new things this year, like something you have always wanted to do. Meet new people, or talk to that one person you have always wanted to get to know better. Don't be afraid of change, change is good and sometimes for the better. It's no fun being scared all the time. Go cliff jumping, take a road trip, quit your job. Do something for you, it could be something that you should have done a long time ago. Don't have fear everything happens for a reason take a risk for you