As I write this, I'm sitting in the backseat of a car, traveling across the state of Pennsylvania from Scranton to Pittsburgh. The sky is grim (at least it's not snowing) and the landscape is grey, but the company is good. When's a more perfect time to make a list of things to get you through a long car ride than on a long car ride?
I've had my fair share of long car rides in my life. Between trips to Philadelphia (only about 2 1/2 hours), Delaware (about 5 hours), North Carolina (about 12 hours), and Florida (let's not even talk about it), I know how to keep my mind occupied.
Read on if you want some simple tips on tuning out the open road and feeling like you got stuff done.
1. Utilize that phone
It's common sense, but your phone is your little window to the outside world. You can read and answer emails, make calls, sort through old photos, etc. The possibilities are endless really, but you'll definitely feel more productive than just sitting there and twiddling your thumbs.
2. Entertain yourself
Music, podcasts, audiobooks, Netflix. The world is yours in our limitless availability to different media. So download your favourites and you'll at least be set for a couple hours.
3. Pick up a hobby
Not like fishing or collecting stamps or something, but if you've always wanted to learn French or how to form the perfect argument, download Rosetta Stone or some TED talks and get cracking.
4. Make to-do lists
Whether you're making a list for the rest of your day, week, or what you'd like to do in the next year or so, taking the time to make lists is always helpful. It helps you get your thoughts onto paper, while also passing the time.
5. Games and good conversation
Between playing things like the license plate game, Chinese fire drills (not advisable), trying to race the car next to you, and cultivating the perfect playlist for those in the car, what really makes a long car ride is the company. It's the perfect time for conversations about everything from where you're headed and that guy who texts back way too slowly.
So, whether you're headed on just an hour long car ride or a 5+ hour ride, your time will be spent being somewhat productive and the rest probably staring out the window pretending you're in a music video. Either way, it'll be an experience. Good luck!