Monday motivation, procrastination, living for the future. Call it whatever you want, but it's always the same. We're so used to focusing on our futures that sometimes we forget to live in the present. It can be so easy to fall into the groove of putting life off. Waiting for Friday to have fun, waiting for Monday to be productive, waiting for your "dream body" to love yourself or simply not fully enjoying the days as they come in anticipation of some big event in the future. So whether it's waiting to begin something until Monday or putting life off, here's 5 ways to fight Monday Motivation:
1. Do something on your To-Do List, even if it's as simple as a first step
Do you need to start on a paper? Do some research or simple read the prompts and write out a quick timeline. Need to do endless loads of laundry? Just throw one load in. Need to start studying for a test? Compile all the study materials you'll need and skim through the material. Just begin. You don't have to finish the whole project in one night, just take the first step and I promise you'll feel so much better.
2. Start with smaller goals.
A large, overarching goal can be intimidating so it can help if you first break that goal down into smaller goals that will be like stepping stones! For example, if you want to get into your dream college then some smaller goals you can start with are getting a great score on the ACT and getting letters of recommendation from teachers that know you well. If you want to start eating better then you can begin by cutting out (or cutting down on) pop, candy, baked goods, whatever is your kryptonite!
3. If you've found yourself uninspired by your goal, try to rekindle that fire.
If you've lost motivation for your fitness goals it can help to find inspirational quotes on the internet, or even better, look back at how far you've come physically and mentally, and let your progress inspire you! If it's academic or financial goals, think about the future you want for yourself and begin to write out what smaller goals you have to complete to get there!
4. Don't compare yourself to others.
Comparing your progress to others can be detrimental. While it is possible to be inspired by others progress, don't let that boil over into comparing yourself to them. That can lead to a loss in your motivation because you don't think you'll ever be as "good" as them. Don't believe that! Everyone is different and so everyone's journey is different too! Keep your eyes on your own prize and journey and you'll get there!
5. Be proud of yourself.
Finally, just be proud of everything you've accomplished towards your goal. Even be proud of the fact that you have a goal! You got this, puddin' pop.